Chapter 13

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We sat there for a little while before Someone had burst through the door,

"Fear, will you please play with me?"

I dont know how, but hearing someone's else's voice caused me to cry even more. I started to shake uncontrollably and my breathing became more hitched. Toby could only hug me closer.

"Why is Fear crying? Is she alright?"
Sally asked, worried.

I felt Toby move and then heard the door shut. I guess he asked her to go away or something. We once again sat in dead silence. My chest felt really hollow, and I quit shaking. I felt so cold and lightheaded right now. My breathing was getting extremely slow and I couldn't even cry anymore. All I could do what sit there and think. I couldn't fall asleep, my body wouldnt let me. I looked up and Toby and he looked back down at me with a sorrowful smile.

"Are you okay now?" He quietly asked.

I gave him a small nod and looked down. I couldn't look him in the eyes right now.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I shook my head no and tried to get up out of bed.

"Where are you going?"

I tried to respond, but it barely even came out as a whisper,


I grabbed my mouthguard and pocket knife and left my room, leaving Toby there. I wanted to be left alone right now. I hated that Toby saw me cry. It was just a dream, it wasnt real. So why did I cry? I've never cried over a dream, so why now? It's not easy to make me cry, so why was it that time?

I dont know, but it wont happen again. I'll promise myself that.

I kept walking further and further into the woods, not even knowing where I was going. Hell, I didnt even know what time it was. The sun was setting but I didnt care. It actually looked pretty. The sky was mixed with purple, orange, blue, and pink. It was calming me down sort of. I didnt know where I was but I continued to walk. I wasnt walking towards the neighborhood we usually go killing in. I was actually walking the opposite way. I had never been here before, so I had no clue where I would end up. I didnt care either.


A few hours passed and I was still walking. It was already dark, and I still had not even the slightest clue of what time it was. The sky was dark and the stars showed brightly in the sky. The moon stood out the most above everything. I decided to climb and a tree and rest for a while. I got on a branch that I felt was high enough and decided to stay there. I looked up at the sky and I stopped thinking properly for a while. All I could focused on was the sky.

It was beautiful.

It felt as if nothing was real anymore. I was far away from reality. I could sit here for hours, but eventually I have to go back to the mansion. That thought upset me a little. I let out a small sigh and let my head rest against the tree. I felt so at peace at the moment.

It made me feel happy.

Nothing else matters at the moment.

I kept staring at the sky as I slowly started to drift off to sleep.


"Hey wake up."
Someone started to tap my shoulder.

I shot awake and looked to see who it was. It was the guy who's name I didnt know yet.

"What are you doing sleeping in a tree?"

"I wanted to, okay." I replied.

"You could have fallen."

"Who cares if I do anyways?"

"I would care. Your friend Toby would. E.J would, Jane, Natalie, Jeff."

"Jeff wouldnt. He hates me."

We stayed silent for a second before I started to climb down, He followed.

"You can go back to the mansion if you want, I'm gonna keep walking."

"Okay fine, but be back by this afternoon."

I jumped down and quickly ran off back towards the mansion, while I continued to walk away from it.

As I walked I kept feeling like someone or something was following me. I continued to walk and blew it off as nothing but grabbed my pocket knife, just in case.

Eventually as I was walking, a pretty red and black butterfly fly past me. It wasnt something I had ever seen before so I decided to follow it. The more I followed it, the faster it started to fly away. It wasnt flying up though, nor was it flying down. It was flying in a straight path, which I found slightly weird. It only kept going faster, and so was I. I was running at this point and the butterfly wouldnt slow down. The next thing I knew, I was on the ground and the wind was knocked out of my lungs. There was someone on top of me, pinning me down but my eyes wouldnt open to see who it was. Fear instantly took over my body cause whoever this was, was making this weird, yet creepy croaking sound.

Once I finally cought my breath and was able to open my eyes, I was not prepared for what I was about to see.

It was this zombie, dog, human looking creature. It was extremely skinny and a sickly grey color. I noticed its hands, and the fingers looked like fucking knifes. I could see its spine and rib cage. Its eyes... there weren't any. It was completely naked, yet I didnt see anything that exactly gave it a gender.

I pulled out the pocket knife and stabbed it in the chest, and it made a really creepy sound. It kept making these sounds that weren't human. I dont think this thing was a human. It violently pulled the knife out of its chest and threw it on the ground, then looked back up at me.

'I'm fucked...'

I had no weapons, I was far away from the mansion, I couldn't scream for help so I was completely alone. It rushed towards me and I tried to run away from it, but I tackled me to the ground. I held its wrists and its claws kept cutting my arms. It also kept trying to bite me so I kicked it in its face. I guess it only angered it more so it bit down on my leg, drawing blood. I bit down on my tongue, trying not to scream cause I was scared it would only anger it some more. It scratched me face and bit my shoulder. I kicked its throat and it hissed in pain, getting off of me. I quickly got up and tried to run, adrenaline rushing through me. I couldn't feel any pain right now and all I could do was run.



It's going to catch up to me, but I still need to run.

Run as fast as you can.

I was once again knocked to the ground and it clawed at my back. I could feel the warm blood run down to my chest. I tried to get up and throw him off of me, but to no avail. It pulled my arm up and behind me and bit down on my arm. It then bent my hand backwards, breaking my right wrist. I tried to scream but luckily for me, only a small squeak came out. It flipped me over and grabbed my face, making me look at it. The creature then made me open my mouth and took one finger, and put it to my left cheek. He started trying to cut my mouth open, but he wasnt cutting all the way through, like Jeff's. It was only cutting the first few layers of skin, which I knew would leave a scar. I punched its face and made it get off of me once more. And tried to run again. I saw my vision going black, but I refused to pass out right now. I need to keep running. I couldn't stop now, or I'd die. Not that I minded death, but I dont want to die to that thing.

I didnt make it far before I was on the ground once more. It clawed at my throat, I guess trying to finally kill me. But then it clawed at my face, on my right eye. I kicked its chest as it went to cut my face again, so it had missed and cut my jawline. I tried to stand up but it grabbed my hair, and threw me back to the ground once more. My head hit the ground pretty hard, and everything went black.

Phobias. A creepypasta x tomboy reader story.Where stories live. Discover now