Chapter 14

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Everything started to hurt. I feel cold, but it feels like someone is pouring... hot water on me?

I smell blood.

Why do I smell blood?

I feel like I'm moving.

But I'm not moving...

I opened my eyes and saw... grey and black stripes. I then heard someone breathing really hard.

Suddenly I heard an inhuman noise and was dropped on the ground and heard screaming. I touched my face and felt something soft. I pulled it off and realized it was a scarf. I recognized it. It was Liu's scarf.

I quickly looked over and saw Liu trying to shoot the same creature from before. He shot it in the head and it screeched in pain. My heart started to race again and I felt all the pain in my body start to float away slowly. I stood up and grabbed Liu's wrist and started to run. I looked at the creature and saw it had many bullet wounds, especially in its head and chest. I looked back at Liu and he seemed slightly mad, but worried as well.

"What the fuck were you doing?!"
He yelled.

I didnt answer, all I could do was keep on running. I couldn't feel any pain right now, so I could run. I was okay. I might be covered in my own blood, but I'm okay.

I looked at Liu and saw that he had very little injuries. He had a cut on his neck and one on his head but that was probably it. He must've stayed as far away as possible.

"We're almost to the mansion! It shouldn't be much longer!" He yelled.

My heart rate would only increase the further we got and I was starting to feel lightheaded again. I cant stop now though. I just cant. We're almost there.

We only continued to run and I ignored every question Liu threw at me. I couldn't find it ik n my self to speak at the moment. I felt like if I were to speak, I might slow down. I was gasping for air because it started to become harder to breathe. My legs and chest were burning at the moment, but I could care less.

I could feel myself starting to slow down so I forced my legs to run faster. I felt Liu pull my hand making me stop.

"He ran the other way, you can slow down now. I'll carry you, we need to get you back to the mansion quickly-"

"I'm fine." I interrupted.

He stood in disbelief before speaking,
"You're covered in your own blood, how are you fine!"

"I will be, now keep running!" I grabbed his wrist once more and took off again. He only kept trying to stop me and I didnt know why. I was okay.

Eventually I felt my legs start to shake and all the pain came rushing back. I could see my vision going black once more so I tried to keep walking. I guess Liu noticed so he then got mad and picked me up and I tried to protest.

"Put me down. I dont need your help to walk." I tried to yell but it was hard to.

"Just be quiet and let me carry you. Please?"

"No. I'll be just fine on my own."

"I'm the reason you aren't dead right now!" He shouted. He sounded so angry now. It's hard to make Liu mad and I didnt like to see him mad.

So I kept quiet. 

He was carrying me bridal style so he was going to get blood on his arms because of the cuts on my back. At this point, I dont really think he cared all to much. Even though I smelled strongly of blood, he- for some reason- still carried his usual scent of French vanilla. His scarf was around my nose and mouth, so it was almost all I could smell. I loved it.

My body was in so much pain, but I could care less at the moment. The smell was slowly putting me to sleep. I didn't want to fall asleep though. I shut my eyes and promised myself that I wouldnt go to sleep until we made it to the mansion.

My hoodie was torn to shreds and was covered in blood, which sucked because this was my favorite hoodie. My broken arm was dangling while we walked. I couldn't move it. I couldn't hear my heartbeat anymore and my breathing slowed down way to much. I was hardly breathing at all.
I'll be fine though.


I looked up and saw his bright green eyes look back at me. He gave me a reassuring smile, and pulled me closer to his chest. I inhaled his scent which made me close my eyes once more.

"What the fuck happened?!"
Some random voice yelled.

Liu never answered and opened the door to the mansion. Of course, we were immediately questioned and the room got loud very quick, which made my head hurt. I held my head with my only good hand and gridded my teeth.

I then heard Slendermans booming voice yell at everyone to shut up. I felt something wrap around my waist and pull me away from Liu, so I grabbed onto his shirt. It was Slenderman picking me up with one of his Tendril things. It hurt like hell and I gave one little squeak of pain.

"Be careful with her."
Liu said.

He grabbed me in a better position and then suddenly my body went limp. I felt numb and I felt like a rag doll.

He teleported somewhere that smelled like alchohol and more blood. Even though my eyes were closed, I could tell that there were a bunch of bright lights. I was set down and I had no clue what was going on. I couldn't see, or feel anything. The only thing I felt before passing out, was something being poked into my arm. And just like that, I was out like a light.

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