Chapter 18

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It's kind of hard to believe everything had said. Some things actually seemed more realistic then others, and to be perfectly honest, I dont think a demon is my dad. I mean, come on, I look and act just like my dad. I'm sorry, but I just dont believe him. I cant.

After talking with Slenderman I grabbed a snack, and tried to sit down and eat. I wasnt tired so I sat in the livingroom, doing whatever. Most of the time, I have no clue what I'm doing or why, but I just do it regardless. I'm pretty sure I've done that most of my life. That's how I always end up doing something utterly stupid or find myself in a dumb situation. Like this one for example. I thought about my dad, and a few of the memories a had of him. ~

"Daniel, hurry up." I groaned.

"Shut the fuck up, I'm coming." He said and we both grabbed our plates and walked towards our table. As we were walking the lunchroom got a little quieter, not to much though. I looked up and Daniel nudged my shoulder to get my attention, and pointed at the lunchroom door. I looked and I saw... dad.

I quickly layed my plate on the table and ran up to him. He had his arms open and was kneeled down slightly. I hug attacked him and bit my tongue so I wouldnt cry. I dont want to look weak in front of everyone. He was still wearing his uniform and still smelled like his cologne. The lunchroom got a lot quieter and I heard many whispers, and could feel many stairs.

"Hey [Name.], I'm finally home. Did you miss me?" He asked, and I could only nod my head. I was scared of saying anything, scared I was going to cry if I did. I'm strong though, so I'm not going to. Even though I haven't seen him in almost a year, I wasnt crying. I then realized he wasnt supposed to be home for about two months.

"Want me to eat lunch with you?"
He asked.

I responded with "Please?"

He picked me up and I pointed to our lunch table, and he started walking.

I sat down in between Daniel and my dad, and all my other friends sat all around the table. My dad would crack up a few dad jokes every now and then, and would give Daniel and I this look every time we talked. He even got asked questions about his job and how it was, he even shared a few cool stories about it. I told them I was going to go to the bathroom so I could call mom, so I ran off. I wanted to tell her about what had happened and ask if she knew about it. And when I came back, Daniel looked slightly scared and all my other friends were having an arm wrestle with my dad individually. ~

~ Me and dad were sitting in the livingroom watching t.v at the moment. I was sitting in the chair and Dad had fallen asleep on the couch, and my mom was going to wake him up to tell him to go to his bed. (Which I find stupid, so if I fall asleep on the couch and you wake me up to tell me that, I just might murder you in your sleep.) He shook him a little bit and started trying to whisper to him. He woke up instantly and before I could even blink, he had her in a headlock and was trying to choke her. I panicked and yelled at him to stop and when I did, it's like some sort of light turned on. He dropped her and repeatedly said sorry over and over again. He tried making sure she was okay, and she was.

"Please don't ever do that again. I'm so sorry. I didnt mean to." He said to her.

He then turned to me and hugged me.
"If you hadn't said anything, I dont know how far I would have gone. Thank you [Name.], so much."

I didnt know why he did what he did, or if he really did it by accident, but I told him it was okay. It was probably just an accident and so I just blew it off as one. Mom was okay, and that's all that matters. Besides, he apologized. ~

~Ever since dad got home, he's been drinking a lot more. Smoking too. It's not like I had a problem with it, because he wasnt abusive or anything. When he was drunk he got silent and stayed in his room. Although mom has a bit of a problem with it because she's saying that its setting a bad example for me. I didn't care though. It didn't bother me one bit. The only thing that bothered me, was that dad seemed a lot more depressed than usual. He tried not to show it around me by smiling, but his depression is obvious. I didnt like seeing him like this. It made me sad myself.~

~I noticed dad started playing with a lighter when he is either bored or thinking. He will always stare at the small orange flame and smile. He is also kind of short tempered most of the time, and often took walks with the dog when he was stressed. For some odd reason now, Daniel seems kinda scared of him. He has ever since he saw him the the lunchroom that one day. I should probably ask him why someday.~

Someone walked in and immediately looked directly at me. It was Jane. She ran up and hugged me and started talking nonstop about how worried about me she was.

"What are you wearing? Is that Puppeteer's shirt?" Jane asked, pulling away.

"I dont know who's shirt it is. I just woke up wearing it." I shrugged.

"Come on we need to get you changed, let's go!" She yelled grabbing my wrists and pulling me with her to her room.

Oh lord....

Hey, wazzup? I'm doing great. Quarantine is kinda getting to me and I'm kinda stressed out about it, but I'll stay home anyways. I haven't left my house inn... three weeks? I think so. Sooo... five months in a toxic household. Great, but seriously I'll be just fine. By the way, please comment any art ideas, I'm bored as hell. It can be anything from drawing your favorite anime or tv show characters, to me doing something completely bizarre and random. Hell, I'll even draw some ocs for you if you want. Also, please be safe and wash your hands. I dont want anyone to end up sick. Please stay home. I understand some of you also have a toxic household as well, but hey, I'm here to talk if you need to. I'll listen. Anyways, I got to go, BYE!

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