1. The Summer Before Fifth Year

Start from the beginning

I forgot that I was laying on top of him until George cleared his throat "okay love birds I think that's enough for one day." I started blushing and jumped straight up.

"Shut up George." I say walking out the room and turning down the stairs and walking to the table sitting next to Ginny.

Fred and George then walk down the stairs and Fred sits next to me, looking at them both they've grown so much over the summer like they are 6ft plus. And something about Fred is just making me attracted to him, I really need to stop thinking about my best friend that way.

"So we are going to stay at the Leaky Cauldron for the last few days of the summer, and we will go to get stuff for school at diagon alley then." Mrs Weasley said.

"What day are we going?" Percy asked.

"In two days time, so I need you all to pack your bags ready in time." Molly replies.

We were all enjoying the last of the summer sky playing games outside and practiced some quidditch as we wanted to win the cup for Gryffindor and it was Oliver's last year as captain, our team was also pretty solid.

We then ran around acting crazy and Fred threw me over his shoulder.

"Fred put me down!" I demanded.

"No." He replied.


"Because I don't want to." He carried on walking and I could hear George, Ron and Ginny all laughing at Fred and realised what was coming.

I held my nose as I came into contact with the water. I swam up to the surface and inhaled and gave Fred an angry glare.

"She looks cute when she's angry doesn't she Fred?" George said appearing from behind Fred.

"Err... yeah I suppose she does." His cheeks were tinted red. I was still floating in the water.

"Can someone help me out please?" I say and look at Fred and I can see George behind him giving me a thumbs up.

"I'm not falling for it Avery try someone ..." before he could finish what he was saying George pushed him in and we all started laughing.

He swam up to the surface and looked like he was about to kill George but he soon joined in laughing as we got out of the small lake.

We all walk towards the borrow Fred and I soaking wet I was shivering slightly as the breeze started to pick up.

"What happened to you two?" Arthur asked looking between Fred and myself.

"Fred decided it was a good idea to throw y/n in the lake and then he wouldn't help her out so George pushed him in." Ginny said laughing.

"You should of seen both of their grumpy faces." George said.

Molly walks out and looks at us both with a questioning look and looks to Arthur, "what happened?" She asked.

"Kids being kids." He replied.

Fred and I got changed into dry clothes and we all ate dinner together with a nice conversation, this is what I wish my childhood was like with a loving family not the cold hearted one I have.

I sat in the boys room talking about his years pranks until it was time for bed.

"Goodnight boys, see you in the morning." I say to them both.

"Night y/n" George said.

"Goodnight love" Fred said."

Love that was knew I thought to myself as I walked into Ginny's room she was already asleep, so I just settled into bed with thoughts of Fred on my mind, do I really like my best friend like that? I can't can I?

I drifted off into a deep sleep and I couldn't wait for the next few days to go back to Hogwarts even if we did have our OWLs this year.

——— time skip to the leaky cauldron ———

We all went to Diagon Alley and got all of our new school supplies and Ron got himself a new wand which was definitely needed and we saw Hermione. Molly and Arthur chat to Hermione's parents as the twins continued talk about prank stuff.

We walk to the Leaky Cauldron and as we walk in we see Harry the other one of Ron's friends. Molly makes sure Harry has everything for this year at Hogwarts, I loved that Molly was so motherly.

"So Avery you know that we are your favourites?" Fred asked.

"Yes now cut to the chase." I say

"We was wondering if you could help us start to develop our products for the prank shop." George says.

"Of course I will" I say smiling at them both, we were going to need to be sneaky as Molly really disagreed with them doing this.

Our time at the leaky cauldron zoomed by and we were soon at platform 9 and 3/4 and everyone seemed worried about Sirius Black breaking out of askaban nobody's had ever done that before.

I see my parents I should speak to them as I put my trunk on the train, "I'll catch up with you all in a bit" I say and walk towards my parents before they could say anything else.

"Y/n" my father said, "finally nice to see you, did you enjoy your summer with them?" He asked gesturing towards the Weasleys.

"Yes I did." I could see my mum biting her tongue like she wanted to say something.

"are you coming home for Christmas and your birthday?" He asks.

"If I am welcome then yeah" I say back to him.

"Of course you are and as it is your 16th birthday your birthday ball will be rather extravagant this year." He says.

"I look forward to it" I say "I'll write to you both, I don't want to be late."

"Bye!" I say walking on to the train.

Before I Go - Fred Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now