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"PJ be careful!" Quincy blasted towards PJ and Pj seemed to be on edge. 

"I am being careful! Maybe if you'd stop slacking, we could just finish this already." he retorted, becoming out of breath from lifting such a large weight. "See, I'm literally lifting it higher than you." 

"Please stop fighting." Auggie pleas and both of them, hoping that he plead would be enough. However, it was not. They continued bickering. 

"We wouldn't be arguing if PJ wasn't so careless!" Quincy barks back, despite Auggie request. I roll my eyes because I am tired of their alpha male bull crap. 

I finally decide to step in before PJ continues, "Pretty please." I say firmly, hoping they may listen to me. "This isn't productive." 

Quincy lets out a sigh and then opens his mouth for a response before Atticus finally stops him. "Quit it! Jesus, both Auggie and Serena asked you to stop, now stop!" Atticus spoke loudly, throwing his head back. "At this point just put me down, I can walk on my own." 

He shimmied out of Quincy and Pj's hold, flopping down on his feet with a light grunt. Quincy huffed and rolled his eyes. "Fine, but don't say that I didn't try to help." 

Quincy threw up his hands and left. We all looked at him as he left in shock. 

What's wrong with him?

I don't know, but he needs to quit it. 

"Don't worry about it, I gotchu." Xander says from no where, propping underneath Atti and taking the majority of his weight. "You shouldn't be walking." 

Atticus winced from the pain and I winced along with him. I tried my best to help, but I was just in the way. Xander just Quincy situated in his room and then in Atticus's bed. Atticus squirms in his bed, basking in the feeling of it. "GOD I miss my bed!" Atticus shouts out the blue with a happy expression on his face. 

Xander chuckles and nods his head. "Well good because you'll be seeing a lot of it for the rest of the week." 

Atticus was released from the hospital 5 days after the shooting. All of the students from my school have gotten a week off from school because of the incident. I'm happy about that because I did not want to have to address the fact that the shooting is because of me. 

The day after Atticus's surgery the police came by and questioned me, asking more questions about the situation. Once I explained everything the seemed to be pleased with my description of the night. In the police officer's words, "We are glad that everything was taken care of." 

But in Quincy's words(that still haunt me), "We don't know how many of the shooters there were and any of them could have gotten away." 

Despite my fearful look, he seemed unphased by my fear. That's how Quincy has been this whole time. Unbothered. Honestly, if our cousins would have left, we would all be miserable. 

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