In a World of My Own

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It is the first day of thanksgiving break and my family and I are going to Disney World

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It is the first day of thanksgiving break and my family and I are going to Disney World. If you have ever been to Disney then you know how fun it is. We were suppose to go last year, but we had to spend our break in the hospital.

Anyways, my brothers have been distant. I don't know what's going on, but they haven't been being the same with me. They have been keeping things from me. I know this sounds hypocritical because I am keeping Atlas from them, but it is because they would flip. I react and respond to things calmly. It is NOT the same thing.

Damn straight it isn't.

Quincy has been acting really aggressive. I actually feel bad because I think the weight of him being a third parent is starting to seem more apparent. You can tell that he is starting to fall apart, but he is trying to keep it together for us all. I wish he would keep it together for himself. He needs to do something for him. He just turned 19. I just feel bad. I think he is also talking to someone of the female persuasion.

Quincy needs to stop being so damn aggressive. He needs to treat you like you are his little sister because you are.

Atticus has been really secretive. The things that he used to do with me, he doesn't anymore. All he does is hang out with Britt, which is fine, but he still has a sister. I have a boyfriend and I didn't forget he exists. Like with him it is so weird. He would usually come into my room to ask me to help him with something or to just check in. He hasn't. And it's heartbreaking to say the least.

He needs to stop acting like the sex with Brittany is just that good! I mean doesn't he care about you?

PJ has been really calm. I know he is usually calm, but he is REALLY calm. I think the weird part about it is, he switches up. He'll be really calm some days and then he will be really wound up. It is kind of scary sometimes. He has also been hanging out with a new set of friends. Whenever he brings it up, Atticus leaves the room. I'm pretty sure something is going on there that they won't tell me about.

They lie to you because they don't trust you.

Auggie on the other hand, has a girlfriend. Can you guess who? LAURA! After finding out he with Laura, I haven't been hanging out with him since Laura sits at his table during lunch. Me and Liz have been eating outside to avoid her. She loves the fact that she has taken away my seat. She is sitting where I usually sat. RIGHT. BESIDE. AUGGIE. Let me make this clear, I am not jealous. I just really really hate her. And honestly their connection has put a strain on me and my brother's relationship. It's destroying us slowly.

Destroying? Destroyeddddd!

Back to this trip. I was walking my bag downstairs, which was super heavy. I got a phone call from a number I was not familiar with. I answered the phone and I was greeted with a familiar voice. "Hello!" Mrs. Dean greeted me. "I hope you are enjoying your break."

"Hi Mrs. Dean, same to you." I replied. putting my suitcase down on the top stair.

"I am calling to invite to join the school Dance Team." she made known. "Are you interested?"

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