Home for The Weekend

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I was so happy that it was the weekend and the first weekend off of my punishment. This weekend was big for numerous reasons. It was important because Charlotte was going to tell the boys about the adoption, there was a blowout party that I am allowed to go to, and am auditioning for my school's dance team. I did that out of order. First was my dance team audition.

Auggie dropped me off and right before I left he said, "Have fun, you're going to kill it!"

It made me smile and it gave me short term confidence. I was confident enough to do this in the audition.....

It was so much fun, but we wouldn't no the results until Monday morning. When I walked out Auggie was sitting on the top of his car, waiting for me to come out. He saw and smiled. "How'd it go?" he asked hopping down and unlocking his door.

"Um.... Good, I think. I don't want to jinx things though." I replied getting into to the car.

"You definitely got in...."

I laughed and said, "Augs, you have never seen me dance!"

"Are you my sister?" he asked glancing over at me with one hand on the stirring wheel.

"Yeah," I answered, knowing what he was going to say next.

"Then you are great at it." he made known.

He said it so simply. Like he really believed that. 

He did believe it. 

"You are full of it."

"What, shit?" he asked, knowing he would piss me off.


He chuckled. He thought it was sooo funny....

We got home and I was greeted to Charlotte. "How did you do?" she asked anxiously.

I smiled. I was glad that someone was curious. The rest of my family sat in the living room watching basketball. "Good, I think...."

"Good to hear. Are you ready?" she whispered. "You know?"

I smiled and took a deep breath. I nodded my head and walked into the living room. "Okay boys, we all need to talk." Charlotte announced. "It's very important."

I sat down on the floor directly under Auggie. He kissed the top of my head once I planted. My dad paused the game and gave all of his attention to this matter, which made me really happy. "Your father and I, well and Serena...."

They all looked over at me, which made me feel small.

You are small, hint hint, little one. 

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