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Once Serena left, we all made our way to Atlas. Atticus being upset as per usual blamed it on him. But I was pretty sure he was the one who made it better. 

I, at least wanted to hear him out. I'm not so quick to kill him just yet... "What happened?" I asked, sounding reasonable, rational, and totally calm. 

"What they fuck did you do to my sister!!!" Atticus asked, being anything but reasonable, rational and totally calm. 

Atticus was charging at Atlas. I placed my hand on Atti's chest and he stopped abruptly. Atlas didn't look bothered at all by Atticus' temper. He didn't even flinch, not one muscle moved. 

He just stood there rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. "Will you calm the fuck down bitch baby. I didn't do anything to her. I was just as confused as you were." Atlas retorted back, pissing Atticus off more. 

"What'd you just call me?" Atticus asked, almost getting out of my hold. "Say it to my face!" 

Atlas took a deep breath and combed his fingers through his hair in one sweep, obviously annoyed at Atticus. He is a lot to handle. "You said you were confused? As in past tense?" PJ caught on to that. "What's the matter?" 

Atlas stood there for a second. He looked like he was deep in thought. "She was- Nope! Nevermind..." he started, then stopped. 

"What was that?" I asked, about to get upset. "What were you going to say?" 

"You guys like to fuck things up, especially in Serena's case. Not in my hands, not on my watch. I won't be the one to hurt her. So figure it out yourselves!" Atlas started and was about to walk away. Before he could leave my hands were at the collar of his shirt, almost lifting him off of the ground. Atlas looked like he was going to rock me, but then he took a long deep breath. 

"LET GO OF ME!" Atlas warned me with deep, dark eyes that had nothing but danger in them. 

"Tell me what I want to know..." I asked ferociously, almost growling. "I'll let you go, if you talk!" 

"Ya see, that's not how this works! You are going to let me go, no matter what." Atlas started, gritting his teeth together. "Because you don't want to hurt Serena when she finds out that her boyfriend beat the living shit out of her brother." 

"What're you going to do?" Atticus asked, tempting him, which I did not appreciate. 

"Did you ever see Cox?" he asked. 

"Yeah.... He was the most fucked up I've ever seen someone." Atticus answered, running dead into the realization among all of us. 

I let go and just stared at him. Let me make this clear, I wasn't scared of him. I was scared for my sister. There is no fucking way they are staying together.

 What if he gets mad and actually hurts her. What if she gets in the crossfire of one of his brutal attacks. HELL NO! "What the fuck!" Auggie uttered, looking at Atlas like he was a monster. "You know what, you go about your life without my sister involved." 

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