Crawling In the Shadows

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I don't know who thought it was a good idea to start a movie night with no snacks. Yes, I was an accessory to this crime, however, it was my idea. 

Therefore, Serena and I are walking back to her car at nearly midnight. She is holding her purse and the keys while I was carrying the bags. I got a text from Iyla as Serena was making a joke about how it must be nice to be a boy. 

She explained that boys just get to go off by themselves late at night and how girls have to go in groups. I was always under the impression that girls wanted to go with other girls, but I was highly mistaken.

I threw the bags in her backseat and then I looked at my phone to see the message from Iyla. Right as I was about to reply and hop in the passengers seat, I heard a clicking noise and Serena's small gasp. 

She was on the drivers side, which meant that she was too far for me to shield/protect her from any harm. "PJ..." she gently called my name while I saw her hands slowly raise. 

He was standing there with a gun in his hands, holding up my baby sister. The closer I looked at this idiot, I noticed that it was my old drug dealer. "Are you serious?!" I exclaimed, slamming the door and cursing under my breath. The answer would be yes... he is serious. 

"You thought I was going to let you slide on that money you owe me?" Robert sneered through gritted teeth. He obviously didn't want to hold either of us up, but he wants what he's owed and he's not leaving until he gets it. 

"How much?" Serena blurted out and looked at him with care. I was looking at the back of her head, but I know her. She's being extremely careful because she has been in this situation before and she wants to leave with her life. "Just tell me how much and I'll give it to you. I don't want anyone getting harmed so I'll give you the money and everyone can leave with their lives tonight."

I slowly walked over to her side and stood in front of her. He was now pointing the gun at my chest. I felt Serena's arm latch onto my bicep and she rubbed gently, feeling how tense I was. 

Honestly, I wouldn't really care if Serena weren't with me. Any other day, I'd tell this guy where he could stick, but not this time. I couldn't have Serena in danger, dealing with my past demons and the troubles that may follow. 

"18,000..." Robert announced and I nearly did a double take.

"Yeah right and I'm Beyonce about to close my million dollar deal. I just casually have that kind of cash on me and I am more than willing to give it to an idiot like you!" I mouthed off because I couldn't help it. 

"That's really high! Geez how much did you get high?!" Serena whispered/yelled in my ear and I nodded my head. 

"Interest." I muttered carelessly, looking at him with annoyance. "You might as well go home and shoot yourself with that toy gun because I don't have that kind of money with me."

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