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We all stood there with a thick feeling of concern and sadness laced through the very air we were breathing. I took a deep breath, waiting to hear what the doctor was going to say. 

"Hi, I'm Doctor Rita Wright and I am an intern at this hospital. I'm here to update you about Atticus Henry Holden, are any of you his guardian?" she asked, looking around at us. 

"I'm his standing guardian for the time being." Quincy answered, stepping forward with a slight smile, but you could still see the worry in his eyes. "He's my baby brother..." 

The fact that Q called Atti his 'baby brother' makes me want to cry. Even though tears brimmed in my eyes I held them back and payed close attention to the intern. 

"Your brother has suffered a bullet wound through his back that ruptured his lung. Fortunately Dr. Young who is operating on him now, repaired his back muscle and tissue, but he is still operating on his lung. However, your brother lost a lot of blood so he needed to wait to gain strength before finishing the surgery on his lung. His surgical are closing him up now." she explained, offering us a gentle smile. 

We all looked at Quincy for some sort of guidance and he took it like a champ, looking at us with all the aid we needed. He asked the questions we were thinking. "So he's stable now?" Quincy questioned the situation. 

"Atticus is in the ICU, which means that he isn't exactly stable, but he isn't critical either...." 

"So he's in an in-between stage?" Xander clarified, seeming to be at the forefront with Quincy. 

The doctor nodded her head, agreeing with Xander. Then all the questions started rolling in and the doctor answered them with no problem at all. Finally my little voice found strength and I decided to ask the question that no one else would.... 

"Will Atticus be okay?" I asked, silencing all the other voices and everyone's attention fell on me. "I mean in the long run, he'll be okay, right?" 

She sighed and answered, "There's no real way of knowing that, but I hope so... Who are you?" 

She was being very gentle with me and I was grateful for it. "I'm Serena Holden... I'm Atticus's sister." 

You are unimportant and should probably just shut up. 

No, I'm not unimportant and I don't care would I should "probably do."

Fiesty Serena. 

Dr. Wright smiled at me. "Before he went into surgery he asked about you.... Apparently he found out who the shooter was, which caused him to be worried about you," she informed me and I gently smiled. 

We all smiled because it sounds like Atticus was Atticus. Even if it was his last moment, he was Atticus until the finish. 

"He told me that he couldn't go anywhere until he knew you were okay." 

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