Chapter13:the nightmare

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"Get out!?! Put that down!?"

"Ara go take y/n with you...go hide! "

Ara pulled y/n with her in the nearest room and locked it. Sweat could be seen on her forehead. The tears were threatening to fall. She seemed scared.

"Mama where is daddy?"

"Who were they?" Asked little y/n.

The door was broken down in a matter of seconds. Ara pulled y/n towards her chest scared. The lights were dim. The kitchen stove was on fire. The Orange shade could be seen. There was smoke everywhere. Mr.yang stood in front of his family trying to protect them in every way possible.

"What do u want from us!?!?"

"Leave us alone, please!?" Mr.yang pleaded.

"You forgot Donghyun? Because of u, I am on the streets now!?! It's all your fault!? I won't forgive for ruining my life."

With that, the man with the knife stabbed Mr.yang in the stomach. Blood started gushing out. Y/n was there watching this, it made her terrified. She started crying seeing her father in this state. Her mother was also frightened and stood frozen unable to do something.

"Y..../..n... Dad..dy is fi...nee go wi..the y..our a....go...od girl..." He caressed her daughter's cheek for the last time and motioned her mother to take her away.

They tried to run away from the monster. they heard again the stabbing of the knife and Ara exactly knew what had happened. Now she had to protect her daughter alone. Ara and Mr.yang lived near a forest, Ara hid her daughter in the woods but she was unable to protect her self.

Bang. Bang.

Killed in that spot right in front of y/n

A little child lost her both parents and her home that day right in front of her eyes.

She tried to wake her mother up...her eyes were wide open tears falling and they were surrounded by blood. And the house was on fire all of it was burned


"No no no, please don't leave and dad I need you please...."

"Y/N are you okay? Y/n wake up it is just a bad dream ." said chanyeol softly

Y/n woke up she was cold, trembling from the nightmare she had. She looked around and saw it was her room she was in her bed and chanyeol was with her sitting on the wooden dark brown chair.

"What are you doing in my room?"y/n asked coldly.

" Miss Liz said that u had fee... Fee"


"Yes that, she said that u need to rest and I should stay by your side and take care of you," Chanyeol said with a toothy smile.

Something felt weird..something was different .Y/N eyes landed on a specific place. Chanyeol was holding y/n's small hand into his large ones. He had never done that it felt weird. Something happened in y/n's heart, it was like something sparked inside.

"Ahh ~Chanyeol?"

"Hmm?" still hasn't realized he is holding her hand.

"Can u leave my hand please?"

"Ah ah I am so sorry, miss Liz said your hands were getting cold so I should try warming up them for you." He said blushing while scratching his neck. (what is miss Liz trying to do? What do u think?)

"Lets go."


"Cafe? To take you to work."

"But you are unwell? miss Liz said u need to rest."

"I am fine, let's go."

Chanyeol followed what he was told to do. He followed y/n all the way .when they reached the cafe, y/n was surprised to see a new female worker. She was a good looking girl. She looked like a doll, she had light brown haze coloured and light brown long hair.

"Chanyeoll!?! You are finally here, I was waiting for you, as miss said you won't be coming today...I had no one to talk to."
The new worker said, she talked a lot, unlike y/n. With that, they both chanyeol and the new worker did a fistbump.

Chanyeol had not told anything about her to y/n. When did this happen? And how are they so close? Y/n kept on thinking.

"Y/n what are you doing here? You need to rest" Said Miss Liz while checking her (y/n's forehead).

Y/n was still in her thoughts and kept on looking at the new girl and Miss Liz noticed.

"Meet our new worker Heejin(not any kpop idol), Heejin this is y/n chanyeol's friend and roommate."

"Hello" Heejin offered her hand to shake

"Hi" y/n shook the hand

*time passes*

Y/n was sitting on the chair listening to Chanyeol and Heejin. They were laughing and talking so loud. She hated it, Chanyeol would always include her in conversations
and would be he teasing her like always, but he wasn't. Y/n felt lonely, sehun was busy getting scolded by miss Liz like always and Xiumin was busy serving the customers. She couldn't talk to them.

They both were getting on y/n's nerves...she hated this feeling but she was unable to stop it and she was also upset about the nightmare she had again. Trying to calm herself, some words slipped from her mouth


"Y/n we were just talking, why are you shouting."

with that, she left the cafe, everyone was so shocked especially Chanyeol.

"Don't worry Chanyeol she needs a little break, from what happened yesterday so it's okay." Said miss liz and patted on his shoulder


Hello people!?! How was it? I tried my best to make it interesting plz let me know how was it. and what do think will happen next

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