Chapter 20:"Happy ending"

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"umm no I don't think so."with that he carried on going where ever he was going.

*Later that day*
"Mr Kim you can take her home for now , try helping her so she can regain her memory ,keep her busy and comeback next month for the check up."

"Thank you Doctor , we will go now."

"Come on y/n let's go."


*The next day*
It had been 8 day now and Y/n couldn't remember anything from the past . She was confused but she kept that feeling aside.Her cousins and her aunt were very nice and loving . She also met her brother Tao and his friends . Tao was a little cold at first but then he melted . All of her family members helped her trying to regain her memory. They would show her different photos and videos of her. They would also tell her stories from the past even though she couldn't remember any of it but it was fun. In the evening  xiumin comes and tells her to come with him.

"Come on Y/N let's go our cafe ."

"Our cafe ? "

"Yeah aunty Liz owns that cafe , she used to work there when she first shifted to this area."


"Yeah let's go."

*At the café*

"Hey hyung,Y/N? How are you? I am so happy to see you?" Asks the boy Infront of the counter, he was a little taller then baozi , his hair were light brown and he had a beautiful smile with a dimple on the side .

Y/N quickly looked at her brother as she couldn't remember who he was

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Y/N quickly looked at her brother as she couldn't remember who he was.

"Y/N this is Jaehyun, he works here , he is a really good friend of ours."

Jaehyun looks at xiumin all confused

"She lost her memory the doctor said she can regain her memory if we help her out so I brought her here , this might help."

"Oh that's sad , but no worries she will surely regain her memory."

Xiumin gave him a smile

"Ahh hyung I wanted to ask you something ."

"Yeah ask away."

"You know my friends Chanyeol right ? He wanted to work here, his little is in the hospital and he wanted to support his  parents ,soo can he work here? Like starting from today?"

"Yeah sure is he here today? So I could take a little interview ? I know him but you know aunt Liz right?"

"Yeah sure sure he is sitting on table in the corner I'll call him."

Jaehyun went to call his friend

"Y/N how about you help jaehyun , or may be learn how to use the coffee machine?"

"Yeah sure 😊."

"Hyung here you go he is here."

Y/n looked up at the boy he seemed familiar . Big brown eyes , very tall.

It was the same guy in which Y/N bumped into earlier in the hospital

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It was the same guy in which Y/N bumped into earlier in the hospital .It felt as if she knew him before bumping into him . Y/N head started to spin and she tried hard to remember him. Xiumin was telling jaehyun to take y/n in and teach her how to make make coffee. The tall guy had recognised her as well. And suddenly y/n fainted , every thing around her turned black.Xiumin was busy talking to Jaehyun and Jaehyun was listening to him.The only person who was noticing y/n was that tall guy (Chanyeol) before she could fall he caught her right on time not letting her hit the ground. Everything happened so fast xiumin panicked and was shocked. Chanyeol Carried y/n to the nearest sofaseat and laid her there. Jaehyun immediately brought some water. Xuimin was still in shock he wasn't expecting something like this to happen . He was still not getting what went wrong . Was he about to lose his sister? Or did she remember something? maybe she hit her head somewhere? Or maybe every one was pressurising to remember everything?

After few minutes Y/N woke up , she saw every one looking at her. She recognized all of them and had remembered everything before she had wish for Chanyeol to come back . She looked at Chanyeol  who was standing near the counter. She was very happy to see him, so she ran up to him and hugged him tightly. Jaehyun and Xiumin were looking at each other confused and weirdly . Chanyeol was himself confused and tried to break the hug.

"Excuse me can you please stop hugging me?"

"Y/n what are you doing leave him."

"Chanyeol it's me Y/n don't you remember me?"

"Seriously I don't know who you are ,now please let go."

Chanyeol pushed her away from him,not to hard.The words did hurt Y/N but then she remember what suho had told her before wishing for Chanyeol to come back. It did hurt but at least she got to see Chanyeol again now she had to pretend they didn't know eachother.

"I am really sorry for what I did ."

"It's okay"

"Btw are you okay Y/n ?"

"Yes I am fine jaehyun."

"You had to teach me how to make coffee jaehyun ."

"Yeah I had to , but are you really okay ?"

"Yepp I am fine , let's go make coffee."

Chanyeol and Xiumin were still confused but they brushed it off and started with interview.

*6 months later *
Y/n had also started working at the café in order to stay close to him . They both had got so close that they started dating eachother. They had so much in common. y/n would also go to visit Chanyeol little sister and she liked y/n so did Chanyeol's parents  . Y/n also  met Kai,suho and kyungsoo and they remembered her and promised her to meet her more often. Suho had now taken place of their head.Even though she couldn't really remember her family members but she figured out that their personalities and the things they like were same as in the last life. They all got along very well. They also got to know that the Jaehyun in this life also liked Y/n as they were close from childhood but he gave up again as Chanyeol and Y/n had started dating. Jaehyun met a girl named heejin at his collage, she had new shifted here and they both started dating eachother as well. Everyone was happy and Y/n had found out the importance of people around her.

End of Story

Hello everyone hope you are doing great . So yeah this story Epiphany has come to an end :) hope you all liked it . I will come back very soon with a new story in June .Till then you can give me suggestions on whom should I write a story . Till June bye have fun love you all ❤️

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