One last thing

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I'm gonna be doing a continuation of this- since why the fuck not?


Nightmare was done teasing Error, he left the room-(Also a bit of angst)

Error was panting, Sitting up. Thinking nightmare just used his body as fun, that slammed fear into him quick, and it did not feel good...

Error hugs his stomach, now starting to cry, he trembles and hugs his stomach tighter.

Nightmare was using him... he was nothing more than a toy.. He is weak... he is useless... he shouldn't have been born... he was a mistake... Those words repeated over and over again, like a time loop.

Error kept repeating it in his head, soon he gets up, locks the door and starts crying.

"He...used me..."

Error slid down to the floor and cried softly yet quietly, sobbing a bit now and then.

Error gets up and gets out a new clean jacket,Putting long pants on to over himself fully, trembling violently as he continued to cry, he went to his bed and slept, feeling really hot,he wasn't gonna change. He was gonna stay in bed until he has a heat stroke. Suicidal thoughts filled his head, is this what depression feels like?


Next day error was not coming out of his room, Noticing how no one noticed, he cried again.



No one cares about you...

Kill yourself...

No one loves you....

No body even wants you here....

Error grabbed out a blade and slit his wrists, legs, thighs, EVERYTHING, he was so done and fed up with the voices, he didn't like them, he wanted to cry loudly, he wanted to scream, but he also couldn't use to other people thinking he may be a drama queen...

Drama queen......

Suits it....

Day 2.. The castle was quite....

2 weeks later.. People started noticing error wasn't eating...

Week 3...silence...

Weeks and weeks went by, weeks to months, But.. in real time it was only one hour...

"Die die die die...die die die die... die die die die... die die die die.."

Error was just a sex toy.....

Nothing more..

Someone knocked on the door making him snap out of his thoughts and he quickly gets up and pulled a hood over his head to cover his now dull and plain eyes... he opened the door, nightmare.

"Error are you going to eat?"

"......not hungry.." Error tried to shut the door but nightmare slammed it open making error jolt, he backs up a bit but error enters the room and closes the door,.

"What is the meaning of this?"

Error bows and trembles, feeling the need to cry and scream.

"Nothing, my king... just a few errors...and..mistakes...."

"Tch, Anyways..Should we continue before I had to do work~?"

"Oh, just forget about me, I'm fine being alone."

"Eh.. you won't be saying that after~ Come on."

An hour and a half later error was watching Nightmare change into different clothes, thinking he would leave he turned the other way and hugs himself due to being cold.

Nightmare looks at him before hugging him tightly.


Nightmare kay'd down and cuddles Error close, error flinches but didn't care.


"I thought I just warmed you with my teases..~"

"Oh...sorry...I'll stop being a's the only thing I'm good at.." Error sighs out, whimpering.

This quickly alarms nightmare as he sensed negativity, but he sighs and slowly walks out, leaving error alone, his whimpering soon turned to crying.

He just wanted nightmare to TAKE him and CONFESS to him! Not tease...

Weeks later, error thought it felt like years.

Nightmare opened the door and closed it, knowing what was going on now he climbed on top of error Who jolts.

"M- My k- Ki-"

"Shut it.."

Nightmare quickly kissed error, softly gliding his hands on his waist to grind against him roughly, error whimpers thinking it was teases again.

After a while everything stopped, 'teasing is finally over..' he thought.

Nightmare took his pants off and summons his member, error was confused, Nightmare aligns his member with his entrance, error jolts, But didn't have enough time to react again, for he got slammed into making him moan loudly.

Nightmare pins his hands above his head. "Why didn't you tell me...?"

"Wh- Wha-"

"Why didn't you tell me you hated the hated the lack of touch... why didn't you tell me you thought I was using your body...? Error, I fell for you for you... not your body... I don't give no fucks about your appearance... your kindness is what I want... no... need...Never think I'm using you ever again.. understood?"

Error's eyes twinkled with hope, he smiles softly and nods quickly Happy.

Nightmare smiles and leans down, kissing him softly.

Error kisses back, smiling as they continued.

Soon error felt nightmare thrusting into him and out, repeating it over and over, This made him moan, obviously.

Ima stop since I'm tired- thank you for reading this book!-

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