Chapter Twenty Eight - Just A Myth

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        Max entered his Corvette, ready for the surprise visit to Nora. He knew she wouldn’t agree to getting into a car with him, but knew how to woo the heart of a woman, no matter how much they despised him. 

It was late, late enough for the town to be asleep. Corrine hadn’t given much thought of her son leaving at this time, since he would usually go to a college frat party and wander home some time in the afternoon the next day. 

Max pulled to the Pennington home, where all but one window were blacked out. There was a window on the second floor gleaming with light. Max stared, wondering if this was Nora’s bedroom. He exited the Corvette, which he had parked across the street. Tip-toeing onto the property, he grabbed a rock from the driveway and chucked it at the window, making the stone bounce off the glass.

A hand reached the window, pulling it open as a head stuck out from the light.


Max had been certain. “Max.”
“Max? What the hell are you doing here? Get off my property.” Nora hissed a whisper. But before she could shut her window, Max interrupted.

“Caleb wants to see you. He wants to show you something.” He told. She looked down at Max with pursed lips.

“What does he want? Its midnight!” Nora informed.

“Its important, I promise. But you have to come now.”

Nora looked into her bedroom, then back out of the window to the night. “Fine. Give me a minute.”

Max nodded, toeing back to his Corvette in the peaceful street. Nora had taken a moment to exit the home, where she looked to have changed her clothing from pajamas to proper public clothing.

“This better be important.” Nora muttered as she ripped the vehicle door open to the passenger side. Max hoped in, quickly igniting the engine.

“What could he possibly want? You’re lucky my parents are heavy sleepers.” Nora hissed.

“You’ll see when we get to Caleb’s.”

“Why didn’t he pick me up?” Nora questioned.

“Relax.” Max rolled his eyes. “I know we aren’t on great terms, but this is important.”

Nora sighed, annoyed at the late night trip across town.


Max pulled to Woodbury Park, where Caleb had interacted to meet him. Nora saw Caleb’s pickup parked along the park gates, which had still been opened from homecoming night.

“What the hell are we doing here? This park is abandoned.” Nora said, scanning the area for a sight of Caleb.

“Come on,” Max spoke, exiting the Corvette parked along the street. Hesitant, Nora stepped from the street to the gates of Woodbury. She followed Max into the park, which had only been lit by the dimmed streetlights and cloudy moonlight.

“Where are you going?” Nora questioned, noticing he had been in the center of the park.

Max nodded in a direction in front of them by monkey bars where Caleb had been waiting. Max pulled a cigarette from his pocket, smoking into the air as though he was readying himself for what was to happen.

“Caleb? What are you doing out here? This park is supposed to be closed off.” Nora said as Caleb stepped to their presence.

“I need you to watch.” Caleb spoke, slightly make Nora nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2015 ⏰

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