Chapter Seventeen - Worst Option

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        School that following Monday had been quite upsetting. A majority of the students moaned about the cancelation of the homecoming dance and the forfeiting of the homecoming game. It was a shame to Avelak High, who hadn’t ever lost a game. Another more sensitive majority gossiped about the death of Emily Marshal, making up ridiculous myths of her ghost walking the school grounds to scare other students. Caleb could hear the rumors at his locker, watching as a group of girls mutter among themselves about the ghost of Emily Marshal. Caleb thought it was completely out of hand.

Principle Kendrick had arranged an assembly that morning to speak about the death of Emily Marshal and the cancellation of the homecoming dance, which infuriated every teenage girl in the building. Classes filled the bleachers inside of the gymnasium, where Caleb was reluctant to seat. He didn’t care too much about the dance, and didn’t need to hear any more about Emily Marshal’s death. It was all over done, even though his thoughts on the topic were quite insensitive.

He decided to skip out on the assembly, wandering to the opposite side of the school on the second floor, hoping no snitches or teachers would catch him. He made his way around a corner, seeing there had been a presence in an emptied hallway.

“Nora? What are you doing here?” Caleb spoke, checking the classroom doors as he approached her.

“I knew you’d be here.” She spoke worried.

Caleb narrowed his brows, not quite knowing how she would possibly know that.

“I wanted to finish what I was saying at the burial. Max cut me off before I could finish, such a prick.” She pouted as she folded her arms.

Caleb stood with his hands in his jean pockets, waiting for her to pick up her conversation from the burial.

She sighed. “I don’t know how to say this without sounding completely insane.”

Caleb remembered what Max had said about her at the burial.

“I didn’t mean to freak you out if that’s what I did.” She began. “Its just… I see things before they happen.” She spoke as though it were a strange topic.

Caleb said nothing.

She suddenly felt awkward by his silence, then picked back up again. “I have dreams sometimes where I see things. Sometimes they aren’t so relevant to me. Its like I have dreams about other people’s lives. Its like an extremely accurate premonition.”

“You were having dreams about me?” Caleb spoke, a bit uncomfortable.

Nora sighed, lightly touching the ends of her hair. “Yes.”

        “How is this relevant to Emily Marshal’s death?”

Nora thought for a moment. “Well, in my dream, if you had gone to the game, it would have been you instead of her. You swayed the option. Sorry I lied about the stupid prank thing, I just figured I’d prevent a friend from being murdered.”

Caleb had been thankful. “Don’t be sorry.” He widened his eyes, slightly shocked by her choosing to save his life instead of hers. “So thats how you knew I’d be here.” He muttered.

Nora giggled. “But now she's dead. There was nothing I could think of to save her.” She frowned.

“What did you see in your dream?” Caleb hadn’t been entirely sure of her confession.

“They aren’t steadily dreams. They’re just flickered images. I saw red and black, all red and black. It was blurred, which is strange since the dreams are usually pretty clear. There were two bodies, yours and hers, laying next to each other in the woods. I could tell it was the homecoming game since I could hear the crowd in the distance.” She paused for a moment. “But it was odd, because both of your throats were missing.”

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