Chapter Twenty Seven - I Promise

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Caleb had been thoughtful of the New Blood prowling Avelak. He had been keeping it on his mind, not sure if he was letting it bother him. Nora seemed to have surpassed her migraine, arriving to school aching though in walking condition. She hoped Temperance would never make her do that ritual again.

Max seemed distant, though neither Caleb or Nora had an answer for why. Caleb supposed he was risking a great amount about questioning Sheriff Prescott whether he had knowledge of the New Blood. Why would the Sheriff know anything about a vampire?

“You should show her. Nora needs to know what you are.” Max spoke with his back against the brick of the school, puffing cigarette smoke into the morning air.

“What’s the point?” Caleb puffed his own, standing watch of the ever so vacant football field.

“She should know, she’s just as important to this situation as either of us.”

Caleb let out a chuckle. “Sudden change in heart about her?”

Max sighed. “I just think its best. I mean, how long can you keep it from her? Don’t you change every full moon?”

Caleb shook his head. “I phase when I want. The full moon just takes a bit of the pain away. I was born a Shifter, not bitten.”

“What the hell does that even mean?” 

Caleb twitched his nose. “Bitten Shifters have no option but full moon. Born Shifters have the freedom to phase.” He spoke as though this conversation had been spoken upon once too many times before.

Max nodded. “Well, that’s fortunate.” He sucked the end of the stick between his lips.

“Barely. If I don’t phase often, I start having these fucking horrible aches and feelings. I get antsy as hell and I can’t control it.”

“What happens if you don’t phase?” Max questioned.

Caleb shook his head. “Elsie tells me I’ll lose full control. I don’t know if thats true, but I start to feel like it.”

Max stared at the football field, looking off where he had found Emily Marshal’s body.

“So you can do it tonight?” Max questioned, staring at the orange and red leafed trees.

Caleb sighed. “I don’t know.”

“I’ll be there.” Max reassured. “I’ll pick her up and bring her to you. Hope you don’t mind phasing without a full moon.” Max smirked as he stomped his cigarette to the dirt.

“Do you really think she’ll just get into a car with you?” Caleb chuckled.

Max shook his head, touching the doorknob of the stairwell.

“No, but there’s a first for everything.”


Corrine sat at her windowsill of her master bedroom, stirring wine in hand as she watched the dying leaves hit the ground of the Finch property. She had been waiting patently for Michael to arrive; it had been quite some time since he had visited Corrine and she was feeling a distance between them that she wanted to diminish. The overlaying sound of Lydia kicking and screaming in the attic made a muffled sound penetrating Corrine’s peace, making her irritation grow with every lung-filled yelp Lydia attempted since she had woken from her pass out last night.

Corrine stomped to the hallway, letting herself into the attic where Lydia’s screams vibrated Corrine’s eardrums. Albert had clearly forgotten to duct tape the whore’s mouth closed. Corrine smacked Lydia across her cheek, making her erratic and stomach turning screams mute for just a moment where she began again, much louder than she had before.
“If you don’t shut the fuck up I’ll kill you.” Corrine threatened, holding her sweat coated chin between her fingers.
“Fuck you. I’m getting out of this hell hole alive!” Lydia rocked the chair back and forth, not exactly knowing a plan she was going for.

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