Chapter Twenty Four - Room 306

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Corrine wiped her face of the blood trickling down her chin. She had been hungry, and the hunger was only growing deeper and deeper as time moved on. The taste of blood was quite refreshing since Corrine hadn’t properly fed since her own transition to Dhampir as a seventeen year old girl. She had forgotten the texture and the thickness of the blood, the smell of the flesh and veins running through the body of a human. So pure, so intoxicating.

Lydia passed out from the shock as she usually did. Her limp body wasn’t as appealing as when she was screaming and begging for Corrine to stop. Corrine pulled her fangs from her shoulder like fish hooks, letting them retract back into her skull and her pupils dilated to normal size.

“I hate when she does that.” Corrine commented, taking the white rag from Albert’s hand to rub of the blood of her mouth and hands.
“Are you finished?” Albert questioned.

Corrine shook her head. “No, I’m still hungry. I need her to wake up.” Corrine stared at the leaking girl, who’s head dangled in front of her body.

“We should let her walk among the home, Ma’am. It would get her blood flowing, since she has been in that chair for a few days.”

“So she can run off? She doesn’t deserve to have that luxury. She spat in my face, Albert. She’s lucky I didn’t rip hers off.” Corrine spoke as she threw the rag back to Albert.

“She needs her blood flowing. Those ropes are much too tight on her, it’s cutting off proper circulation.” Albert told.

Corrine pursed her lips at him. “The answer is no, Albert.”

“Ma’am, she’ll die.” Albert spoke lightly.

Corrine sighed, knowing asking Michael for another prostitute would just be too much to ask, even though she would get her way.

“Fine. But if she does so much as touch something in this house of mine, I will rip her hands clean off. Do you understand?” Corrine demanded, pointing an authoritative finger to him. He nodded a single nod, letting Corrine exit the attic.


“So whats the deal? We just walk in and ask if she knows anyone or anything that murders fourteen year olds for a living?” Max puffed smoke into the frigid air as he spoke.

“I’ll do the talking.” Nora spoke, which annoyed Max. “I’ll explain everything. Maybe she’s a psychic too and she won’t think I’m crazy.”

Caleb nodded, beginning to lead the trio to the entry of the lofts. The building had a thick, musty dry-wall smell. It was quite distinctive, and made Nora cover her nose in disgust. The walls along the hallways had chipped, dull paint and green carpet. It was empty of anyone in sight. Caleb stared up the tall, wooden staircase, wondering which floor this Temptations were to be.

“Third floor.” Nora muttered behind her sleeve. Max felt much out of the place, seeing that his over-dressed outfit was much too flashy for a place like this.

Caleb walked the creaky staircase, leading to the second floor which hadn’t been much different from the first. They walked passed door where a woman’s voice was heard shouting in spanish, making their pace quicken. They reached to the third floor, escaping whatever the disturbance had been on the second floor.

“Room 306.” Nora spoke again, letting her sleeve down since she had been quite used to the stench by now. Caleb reached a wooden door which was signed with gold ‘306’ numbers.

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