Chapter Ten

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Sky’s POV//

I was just adding some finishing touches, when I heard a knock at the door. Mum knew I was going out so I expected her to get it... however I heard a low 'Hello' coming from my dad, panic struck and I ran over to the balcony that overlooked the foyer. I saw Luke raising out his hand to shake my dad’s. I quickly ran back to my room, grabbing a bag and tossing my phone and wallet into it while also slipping on a pair of low black converse.

And headed towards the stairs…

As Luke noticed me walking down the stairs all he did was stare, his mouth slightly parted, his eyes wandering up and down as I took each step closer towards him. I quickly began feeling flushed and my hands beginning to get clammy as it seemed Luke was fixated on me.

Luke’s POV//

Finally arriving at Skylet’s. I pull up at the driveway and head towards the front door. Pulling my hands from my jean pockets and wiping them along my thighs. Was it obvious how nervous I was? After what seems about 10 minutes, I decide on finally knocking at the door and stood patiently.

A tall masculine figure began approaching the door and opening it. Greeting me with a simple ‘Hello’ I abruptly returned the greeting and lifted out my hand to shake. I couldn’t help but feel a slight awkward tension in the air.

"I’m here to pick up Skylet if that’s okay with you, Mr. Johnson" I politely asked.

"She should be down in a minute… I didn’t catch your name?" he confidently responded.

"It’s Luke, Luke Hemming’s Mr. Johnson" I replied giving off a friendly smile.

"Please, Call me Rob" he spoke, returning the smile.

Then from the corner of my eye, I saw a figure… Wow. She’s perfect… totally and utterly perfect. Her dress was tight and loose in all the right places… her eyes even though dark, stood out in contrast to the blues and whites of her eye-shadow. I could not help but stare and by the looks of things she’s noticed, as her olive skin complexion soon turned a shady red. I’m a very lucky boy.

Once she got all the way downstairs she pulled me into a quick small hug before backing away, we were left in an awkward silence as her dad continued to stand there.

"I’m just going to go grab a jacket" She smiled before scurrying off to the closet around the corner. Her dad approached me for the second time.

"Her curfew is 11:30 make sure she's here at least 5 minutes early…ya know good impression and everything" I nodded in agreement.

"Are you driving?" He asked looking back over to me.

"I am" I replied sounding a little nervous.

"You've never had an accident right? Ya know, drunk driving? Anything like that?" he asked letting out a small smile yet looking rather serious at the same time. Why was he asking me this? Did all dads ask this many questions?

"No Sir, I don't even drink" I smiled back at him trying to not sound too suspicious.

"Of course you don't buddy" almost sounding like he didn’t quite believe me. However it was true, I rarely ever drink, and I mean I’ve had the odd glass of wine on Christmas but even then I wouldn't drink it all.

Skylet came back smiling with a leather jacket slung across her shoulders matching her outfit perfectly. I felt slightly under dressed in my black shirt, skinny jeans and matching black converse.

We said goodbye to her dad and walked out to my car, I walked around it and held the door open for her ensuring she got in safely as I still had questions whizzing around my head about her dads own questions.

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