Chapter Seven

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Sorry for the super late update, we've both been ill these past two weeks and School's has also recently started so it's just been really hard to update - N&C x


I picked up my things as the bell rang signifying we had to go to our next lessons, I and Luke said our goodbye’s at the bottom of the stairs of the library. Then I set off to my next lesson which was English. As I turned the last crowded hallway about to make it into what was supposed to be my English class, my arm was quickly snatched up by some stranger and began dragging me off into the opposite direction.

I looked over to see who on earth had the nerve to do this… But of course the hand belonged to mischievous Ashton Irwin. Where on earth is he going with this?

 I scoffed "Can I help you?" with an angry tone evident in my voice.

"Shut up and just hold on a sec" He said as he pulled me into some small room which must have been a cleaner’s closet as that would explain the pungent smell of bleach and detergents. Hefinally removed his grasp from my wrist, spinning me round to we were face to face. I pulled my arms up to my chest crossing them, raising an eyebrow and tapping my foot.

"Well can I help you?" I repeated still waiting upon an answer of my earlier question. The lights were dimmed out yet I could still see the infamous smirk upon his face.

"You're so cute when you’re angry, we all know you can’t hurt a fly" he laughed.

"Right... so may I ask why you’ve brought me into this cleaner’s closet with you? When I should be learning about Shakespeare right now" I asked.

"Ew English? So I’m guessing you were going to class then?" He replied, again ignoring my actual question.

"Irwin you seem a bit bipolar today? Earlier we were jumping down each other’s throats and now you're sweeping me into cleaner’s closets?" I said, letting an accidental giggle slip.

"You were being frustrating, so are you going to class or not?" He sternly asked taking a step closer to me, placing a small strand of hair behind my ear.

"Well yeah, I was going to, why?"My skin slowly revealing goose bumps as his touch went from behind my ear softly down my jaw line.

"Well you can always ditch with me instead?" He questioned giving a cheeky smile with his thumb resting on my chin.

"Hmm, I dunno drummer boy, depends if it's a date or not" I playfully replied

"I’ve told you, I don't date" he said bluntly before walking out of the closet.

Urgh of course I had to go with him. There’s always something that just lures me to him. We’re like two magnets attracting each other.

I sneakily followed him out to the car park where he sparked up a cigarette before I came to realise... Calum. He's going to be wandering where I was. I decided on dropping him a quick text saying that I was ill so not to worry about giving me a lift home and that I would see him tomorrow.

"You drive?" I asked him as I’ve only ever seen him walk places.

He nodded, "Yeah that's mine" He said pointing towards a black car of a brand I didn't know but I definitely knew it was nice.

"Wow" I gasped which luckily he didn't hear.

We walked over to the car which he unlocked both getting in and buckling up.

"So where are we going?" Curious to where on earth he could be taking me.

“Do you always ask this many questions Johnson? And depends, are your parents’ home?" he replied taking the cigarette in his mouth again. I thought, well it is a Tuesday which means they're on a late shift

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