Chapter Seventeen

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Lukes POV//

I woke up tangled up in Skylet, kind of like the other morning except more uncomfortable and squashed. Calum had disappeared from his spot and the two girls were still sleeping soft snores escaping their mouths. I untangled myself from Skylets body successfully without waking her up and made my way to the kitchen where I found Calum.

"Morning" he smiled grasping a cup of coffee. I smiled sitting across the table from him. "Coffee? Pots brewed" Calum grinned, how was he so happy and easy talking this early? I trudged over to the coffee pot pouring myself a mug before resuming my seat across from Calum.

"You like her don't you?" he asked. "Hmm?" I questioned confused, oh shit, I wasn't really sure whether I was ready to have the over protective best friend chat right now. "Sky? It's clear you like each other" I looked at my coffee mug avoiding eye contact with Calum. "I KNEW IT" he whisper shouted. "Bro I approve" He laughed placing a hand on my shoulder. "Everyone knows a way to a girl's heart is through food" I looked up at him this time with a questioning look. "What are you suggesting?" He smirked "Breakfast"

At that moment I knew what he meant, so we got to work. We knew the two girls weren't going to be up for at least another hour so that gave us time to get to work. I made pancakes and somehow cooked both Skylet's and Melodie's eggs supposedly the way they liked them (how that came up in conversation I don't know) We laid out fruit and waffles, made a fresh pot of coffee and filled a teapot because stereotypical British Skylet loved her tea. Now was the gruelling task of waking the girls up.

Melodie was ok to wake up Skylet on the other hand kicked me in the leg when I touched her. "Oh yeah should have probably told you" Calum laughed as I rubbed my shin. So instead Calum decided to simply just jump on her because that usually worked, which in this instance yes It did. So right now it was 11:35 am and we were sat around a table eating breakfast. It made me internally smile like a maniac because I was realising how I have friends who really do care for me.

We sat in a comfortable silence just enjoying the vast amount of food that laid out in front of us, then my familiar ring tone started to ring loudly. I looked at the caller id:


I rolled my eyes and Skylet gave me a questioning look. "you okay?" I simply showed her the screen before answering.

"Hi mum" I groaned slightly.

"Hi sweetie, what time are you going to be home?" she asked grossly sweet.

Calum looked at me with wide eyes and mouthed 'later'

"Probably not till later mum, we are slow close to finishing this song! It will be around 9?" I didn't think she'd take it and allow that late.

"hmm ok just make sure you get it finished" She replied.

"Will do" As I said this Skylet let a loud giggle as Calum was being stupid with the pancakes.

"Are you with a girl?" She asked, I really didn't want to do this right now.

"yeah mum it's just Skylet she came over to help with the song, I wasn't too sure about the piano parts so she came and helped" Skylet tried to control her laughter. "Listen mum I've gotta go we're about to start, bye!" I said before hanging up the phone.

"Jesus guys you suck!" I said laughing as they held no sympathy for my mad mother and her over protectiveness.

"Right so what do we want to do today then?" Calum asked placing an arm around Melodie.

Melodie looked over to him and smiled "Beach?" She asked smiling.

This was when I noticed that Skylet was looking at me, even though she was in one of Calums t-shirts and a pair of shorts she left here, her make-up almost non-existent and her hair up she still looked amazing.

Calum coughed "Guys?" That snapped us out of our daze. "Beach?" Skylet and I looked at each other again and laughed awkwardly before nodding.

Calum let me borrow a pair of his trunks because we were the same size and Skylets and Melodie went back home to grab their stuff to meet us at the beach. We were actually kind of going to meet them at Skylets because well the beach was basically her backyard.

Skylets POV//

On the way home we quickly went to Melodies so she could grab her bikini and a towel and other beach stuff before we went back to my house to get ready.

We both slipped into our bikinis, mine being high waisted and black and Melodies being white and a normal bikini. I put a t-shirt over mine as did Melodie, we both put our hair up because Australia was hot and that's when the boys showed up. Melodie was like an excited puppy when it came to Calum, it was kind of cute.

We all sat on the beach basking in the Australian sun. "Wanna go for a swim babe?" Calum asked Melodie. She nodded standing up before jumping on Cals back and running to the shore. I smiled at them. "They're cute aren't they?" Luke asked. "It's kinda gross how cute they are" I laughed. "That's exactly what I was thinking" He laughed. Luke was sat in a singlet and his shorts, his hair was down for once and sunglasses sat on top of his head.

We sat in silence for a few minutes just watching Melodie and Calum, which got not only creepy but very boring. "Wanna go to the pier?" I asked Luke. He nodded and we stood up waving to the couple in the sea who seemed to be enjoying each others company and took off to the pier.

We walked around for a while until Lukes blue eyes lit up. "What?" I laughed lightly.

Lukes POV//

Skylet and I were strolling around on the pier our hands brushing every so often and the sun was beginning to set. From afar I noticed something and my eyes widened. It was probably really childish but the photo booth got me very excited. "What?" she asked. I nodded my head over to the photo booth "Lets go photograph some memories eh?"

Skylets POV//

So that's what Luke was excited about? A photo booth, damn he was so adorable sometimes. We walked over to it and Luke sat down. "Urm Luke there's like no room?" I said looking at my feet. He rolled his eyes before pulling me to sit down on his lap. Wow ok where's confident Hemmo come from? I kind of like it. I shuffled slightly to try and get comfortable on his bony ass legs earning a cough from Luke.

He put the money in and the count down began.

"SMILE" he laughed scrunching his nose and smiling, I copied his actions.


The next one we made silly faces.


The third we were looking at each other smiling.


The forth I was kissing him.



Lukes POV//

When we were looking at each other I just had to kiss her, without interruption this time (hopefully) She was the one who leaned in first edging her face towards mine. She paused when her lips were millimetres before mine her breath tickling my lips and boom there was connection. Now I'm not going to be all cliche and talk about fireworks but I will admit my stomach did flips. It happened. We kissed.

Her lips were just as I thought smooth and amazing. It didn't last long but when we broke apart we just smiled at each other, her cheeks tinted a red colour.


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