Chapter Four

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"Hey Irwin!" I shouted as I hastily opened the window, having no clue what or why I was doing this… or where I was even going with this. He probably thinks I’m a total weirdo for even knowing his name. I just get this feeling in the pit of my stomach each time I happen to be near him telling me I should get to know him.

As soon as I called out for him he looked towards me at an instant, squinting slightly trying to work out who I was of course… Oh gosh he's going to think I’m so strange. I've suddenly come to a realisation of what I had just done. Shit what if he thinks I’m madly in love with him or something, like this is some scene from Romeo. He doesn’t even know my name for Christ’s sake. This was such a bad idea.

From what I can make out he’s giving a somewhat sarcastic wave? However he looks quite genuine as he’s now motioning for me to come down and meet him. I looked over at my clock to check that the time was only 9:45… a short stroll along the beach won’t make any difference surely.

Ashton’s POV//

I’ve decided on taking a late night walk across the beach after yet again another terrible night at home… how was I supposed to know dad was bringing home his slut of a girlfriend? And as always he shouted at me telling me to get out... So I chose to walk to mum’s house like every other time he would go and kick me out. I had spent the day with Harry and Lauren as I don’t really see them as much as I used to. I went and picked them up from school and took Harry outside to play football for a bit seeing as he loves it so much. I also helped Lauren with some homework she had and reminded her for the millionth time that there was no dating till she was at least 30, when she unskilfully hinted that she liked some boy in one of her classes. I really do miss spending time with them.

The beach happens to always be pretty dead at this time of night, so I usually take the opportunity to walk along it. The reason I always chose the beach is because it’s always so calm and gives me a bit of time and space to myself. But mainly because I desperately needed to stay away from my dad and that slut as much as possible.

I went along picking up pebbles and skimming them across the sea… I’m actually getting pretty good at this now.

I then faintly heard a voice shout out "Hey Irwin!" was I imagining this? I was confused as to who this was seeing as I essentially had no friends. I followed the voice to its unknown source to see that it was in fact that girl I was messing with earlier in school today. I felt strangely excited to see that it was her… I don’t know why but my heart rate was starting to increase, I’ve gotta keep my cool though and gave off a sarcastic wave motioning for her to come down from her window. I wouldn’t usually do that, but it just seems as though this girl is different. She took a second and looked back inside then looked out from her window, I’m guessing she’s thinking of a way on how to get down. I just rolled my eyes chuckling, she was clearly very inexperienced in sneaking out.

She eventually managed to get down although losing her footing when she jumped… from what I’m guessing was too high for her legs to handle she stumbled, but I would give it an 8/10. She hesitantly paced towards me giving me a small wave and a "Hey" before we both started walking down the beach.

"So… why are you out so late… if you don’t mind me asking?" She questioned. I simply gave a small shrug and replied "I like walks I guess".

She nodded understandingly. "Back in England we didn't have many beaches near where I lived, so I guess I’ve always been more of a city girl" she giggled. I took in her amazingly cute giggle which made a small smile end up on my face which left quicker than it got there.

We walked for what seemed like another 5 minutes in silence, but a comfortable silence. When we then both got to my favorite part of the beach, I suddenly paused to stop and admire how the moon was reflecting, leaving a shimmering crease of light across the sea.

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