Chapter Fifteen

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Lukes POV//

The final bell rang and I was in maths with Skylet, we both slowly packed our things away as it dawned on us that we were about to embark on our journey to our first ever detention. My stomach churned slightly at the thought of that being on my record. When I got home this morning luckily mum hadn’t noticed that I’d been out all night as Jack set me up as I texted him this morning, it does however mean I’m doing his chores for the next few weeks. But as soon as I had got home and changed mum was up and wanted to have a ‘little chat’ which at first I thought was about me being out all night, but it was worse and was in fact the fact that she had a phone call from Mr. Fredricks about my detention and long story short I’m in trouble.

As Skylet and I walked to the detention room I turned to her as the thought popped into my head. "Skylet, why’d you say you didn’t do the homework when let’s get real we both know you did?" She shrugged while looking up at me with her big brown eyes that seemed tired, all I could think about was to just rewind back to this morning.

"It was my fault that you didn’t do it" that wasn’t true, it was mine I was just stupid and couldn’t answer anything.

We reached the room but nobody was there apart from the teacher holding the detention who looked slightly too perky to do this. She looked up at us gesturing for us to come in "Please just sign in and then take a seat" She asked, her bright white teeth and her obviously fake blonde hair sat unnaturally straight over her shoulders. We ticked our names off and took two seats next to each other. Time passed and still nobody turned up.

"We’re just waiting on two-" She became cut off as Ashton and the funny coloured haired one stomped in walking straight towards to front to tick of their names and continued to sit in different places.

Michael’s POV//

I walked in with Ash who I had become fast friends with this past week, as our share of good music and skipping class to go to the music room had brought us together. I noticed that sky was here and I was personally very intrigued to find out how on earth she got in here because she seemed so innocent. I signed in with Mrs Brown who was currently going through a divorce which I knew all about. Her hair was still messy from our previous encounter about 10 minutes before the bell and frankly I hadn’t noticed until now but my zipper was undone.

What can I say? She’s just one for a red head. I smirked and winked at her while I was signing in and her cheeks quickly flushed a bright pink. I proceeded to sit in the seat I had been in the past week at the back by the window.

Mrs Brown then explained she had to go take care of something and then walked out. We were all left slightly confused as to what to do, should we leave? Should we stay? I mean this wasn’t the Breakfast Club. As soon as she exited the classroom, I drew my attention to Ash as I watched him spark up a cigarette. The kid who looked like a breadstick was visibly worried as his legs that were longer than my life span were bouncing up and down every so often hitting the table. I knew this kids name was Luke after Sky had told him to calm down that one time.

Luke told Ashton off for smoking obviously making his voice deeper in an attempt to sound more intimidating but Ashton took no notice of him, and just laughed.

I felt a small tap on the shoulder from Sky while Luke and Ashton continued to ignore each other just sending small glares in each other’s direction. We talked for a while and the girl even complimented my Blink singlet, I was taken back when she said that she was a huge fan of the band and had been for a while, I expected her favourite song to be All the Small Things or something generic like that but no it was actually Stay Together For The Kids which was also one of my favourites.

Skys POV//

After a while of talking to Michael, Ashton called him over to which he did so I went and sat with Luke. I knew it was annoying Ashton I could feel his stare burning into me, but I wasn’t bothered, I just love getting a reaction out of him.

Detention ended with a quick scramble back to our original seats but none of us were caught being out of them. As soon as the detention bell went Ashton was straight out of his seat and out of the room, Luke and I left soon after. Yet Michael seemed to linger, we said a quick goodbye to the coloured haired boy before leaving.

Luke and I left school together and he drove me home again as we sat in his car singing to All Time Low as we drove. I gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek when we arrived at my house before I had to exit the car and walk towards my house.

Time had passed and I’d done all my homework and had managed to find some time to take an hour long bubble bath before getting into some comfier clothes and lying in bed. It wasn’t late and I wasn’t too tired so I switched the TV on and sat and watched some random show that came on that I was only passively paying attention to. I got to the second episode and there was a light knock on my window, I didn’t pay attention to it until it happened a few times after. I reluctantly left my warm bed and walked out onto my small balcony and looked down to see Ashton Irwin standing awkwardly, he shot me a small smile "Come down, I need to talk to you" I contemplated it, should I?

This time I decided to take the back door out instead of climbing down the side of the house and making myself look like a total idiot again. When I reached outside he was sat on a lounge chair we had that occupied the back porch. I sat down next to him taking him slightly by surprise.

I let out a soft "Hey" and a warm smile. He smiled back. We sat just looking out at the water for a little while until he spoke again.

"Why were you and Hemmings in detention?" His jaw clenched at his name. I told him what happened leaving out the whole date part as I don’t think he’d really appreciate it. He thought it was all Lukes fault but it wasn’t I reminded him that because I left school with him I wasn’t there to help him and I was simply just doing the right thing.

We again let only the sound of the waves take over until Ashton took my hand and dragged me onto the sand and yet again we made our way slowly up the beach, we talked, like for real this time, we asked each other questions.

"So, what do you enjoy?" I asked him.

"Playing drums" he smiled looking around his hands deep in his pockets. I rolled my eyes thinking we had a dip in conversation until he carried on.

"… And painting" I was surprised when he said painting.

"I never took you as the artsy type?" I said a little too surprised.

"Yeah well nobody really knows that if I’m honest, what about you?" He asked in a hushed tone like it was some sort of deep secret.

"Reading, writing and piano I guess" He let a small giggle escape his lips.

"Now why doesn’t that surprise me?"

We made our way back towards my house and I can safely say I enjoyed being in the company of Ashton Irwin. When we got to my back door I couldn’t help but wrapping my arms around him.

"Thank you" I whispered. He probably had no idea how much it meant to me that he had an actual conversation with me but either way he returned the hug. He was warm and firm, when he let me go I noticed the lack of warmth so I ran quickly into my house before waving to him through the glass and making my way back to my room and under the covers of my bed that were warm but no Ashton Irwin.



- N&C X

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