Chapter Two

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There was an awkward pause of silence between the two of us until he finally decided to speak up.

"I'm kinda lost, I'm looking for room 25B... I don't suppose you know where it is do you?" He asked timidly with one hand rubbing the back of his neck and biting on what looks like a lip ring.

Wow. I only just came to realise how attractive this boy was. His mesmerising blue eyes immediately had me transfixed with his blonde mane perfectly swept on one side into a quiff. And that lip ring, my god. I guess he's got a slight rebellious side to him then? Shit I must have trailed off, again. With my jaw slightly dropped I quickly snapped it shut reverting back into the conversation.

"I don't actually, but I'm in 25B as well, so I guess we can be lost together" I giggled. Wow did I just giggle. I don't normally do that.

He gave off a small chuckle as we both began to walk down the many empty hallways.

"So... how long you lived here? I mean you're not Aussie... if you don't mind me asking" He asked timidly clearly trying to start conversation.

"Oh we just moved here, but I've been coming here ever since I can remember" I replied keeping my head down.

He just nodded his head understandingly.

"A-And where are you from in E-England... I mean I'm guessing that's where you're from with that accent n'all" He stuttered, clearly this boy was very nervous to be talking to me. Before I had the chance to respond we finally came across room 25B.

The lesson had already started, seeing as we were around 10 minutes late. The blue eyed boy grasped the door handle pushing open the door for me.

"Here you go..." while looking at me with a puzzling look on his face... before I came to realise he was asking for my name.

"Skylet" I replied.

"Well Skylet" He repeated with a smile "I'm Luke".

As we both began walking through the door, the teacher focused his attention towards Luke and I giving us a stern glare.

"S-Sorry sir we got lost" He shyly spoke.

"You must be Skylet and Luke. I understand, you're not the first... just take a seat and do the equations on the board. I want to see how capable you are of being in this class" he confidently responded.

I searched for a seat and noticed only two of them free, conveniently next to one another. I glanced over to Luke who was slightly behind me yet still towering over me, meaning I had to cock my head back to be able to see him fully. He raised his eyebrows motioning for me to go first. I walked over taking a seat and sat down, shortly followed by Luke sitting down next to me.

For the rest of the lesson we didn't talk much. We both just sat silently working out the equations written on the board. At one point Luke dropped his pen under his desk and when he dipped down to pick it up up he hit his head on the table on the way back up letting out a small "fuck" before looking triumphantly at the pencil he had just picked up and carried on with the equations;which made me laugh, but thankfully I don't think he noticed. After that we just shared awkward glances and small smiles at each other which I didn't mind at all.


Luke's POV//

Where the hell is this room 25B? Just typical how I'm the one to get lost. Shit. I can't believe I just bumped into this girl in the hallway. Nice one Luke great start.

"Shit, Sorry" she stuttered.

Wait... is that a British accent? I started mentally screaming with excitement as I've already fallen in love with her accent. Quick, get yourself together Luke. Don't mess this up.

"N-No it's my fault S-Sorry" why can't I speak properly, I've probably already messed up. I let out a small sigh, hopefully without her noticing.

Luckily conversation continued, and I didn't seem to be handling things too badly. This is weird, usually I would have messed up by now. I guess there's something different about her...

Well at least we've made it to Math class, mum would have killed me if she found out I missed it. I hadn't come to notice how pretty she was until now. I guess that's due to the fact I bashed into her practically knocking her off her feet. Oh shit, I always drop my pen I guess I better pick it up. I quickly dipped my head underneath the table grabbing my pen.

"Fuck" I quietly muttered while rubbing the throbbing pain on my head. I hope she didn't notice that. God I'm such a clutz. I tried my best to play it off by swiftly returning my attention to the board looking at the next question. Skylet seems to be finding these pretty easy as it looks like she's finished the first task, but I'm only on the second question. I better start paying more attention.


The bell rang and the whole class stood up to start packing away their things.

"Hey Skylet" I cooed before she had the chance to walk away.

She fixed her attention onto me, staring with her enticing deep brown eyes.

"Sorry again for the whole b-banging into you" I mumbled. Nice Luke you're so great with girls aren't you.

"Its fine Luke" She replied with a sweet smile, showing her straight white teeth and accent flowing through my ears like a harmony.


Skylet's POV//

The day ended smoothly as I had a free last period. I managed to find the library so I just sat and listened to some music while reading this book I found on the shelf that I secretly had no interest in whatsoever. I couldn't help but review the day I just had. The boy I had seen in the front office this morning that I somehow couldn't take me eyes off. My quick encounter with Luke, wishing that I had more time to speak to him, as he honestly did seem rather sweet.


The distant ringing from the school bell began to ring, allowing us to dismiss ourselves for the day. A sound that we all loved to hear.

I quickly picked up my school books stuffing them into my bag and I started to make my way to the front school gate to meet Calum as we planned. I have clearly gotten here before him seeing as he's nowhere in sight, so I leaned myself onto a brick wall, popping in my earphone to continue waiting for Calum.

A few moments passed and a tall figure came and stood next to me. I wasn't thinking much of it at first as I just presumed they were also waiting for someone like myself.

"So you're a newbie then?" The raspy voice asked.

I immediately glanced next to me to observe who on earth it could be...






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