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(gif is pointless i just thought it was cute)

Hi guys so it's Charley here! So Nicola and I are feeling awful as we haven't updated this in a little while, but don't worry! There's still more to come. I now feel awful for coming up with excuses but right now everything's totally mental. Over here in England it's close to exam season and Nicola and I are both in our final year of high school meaning we're in the midst of our final ever exams for high school.

However do not give up on us we will still be updating just slowly we're aiming for at least twice a month maybe every other week but don't hold us to it!

I'm not in school today so i thought i would just give you guys a heads up, but due to me not being in school if you'd like to go over to my tumblr ( www.hxmmosirwin.tumblr.com ) i am going to be doing prefrences n shit all day because hey i have nothing better to do:-)

Bye for now!

Love you guys

C x

In Too Deep || A 5SOS FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora