Chapter 21

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Hello there! Somehow there are 2000 reads on this story now which is crazy. It makes me feel like people actually enjoy this story. In reality, I bet more than half of the reads are just people that mis clicked on on this story and left right away. Anyways, thank you to the people who actually read this shit.

(Ichigo's POV)

'I just battled Grimmjow. He is unconscious, maybe even dead right now. Wow! I never realized how powerful I am! Right now I'm going to the room Y/n is in to save her.'

Suddenly I feel a strong spiritual pressure. 'This had to be another Espada.' I keep running forward and see the same Espada that went to the world of the living that one time. 'I believe the big guy that was with him called him Ulquiorra.'

(Ulquiorra's POV)

"So we meet again, Ichigo Kurosaki."

He looked behind me as if looking for Y/n. "She's not here. I told her to go to Lord Aizen's room to get away from you." He looked surprised. 'What, does he not know that she's on our side?'

"And why the hell would she listen to you?!" He acted nervous, as if he knew Y/n was on our side but didn't want to believe it.

"Isn't it obvious? Y/n is on our side now. She doesn't want you to help her."

"That's not true!" The substitute soul reaper charged at me as if he expected that pitiful attack would actually work on me.

(Ichigo's POV)

I charged at Ulquiorra and cut him in half. 'Huh, that was surprisingly easy.' I kept running to get Y/n.

'What if that stuff he said was true? What if Y/n is actually on their side now? No, that can't be right. He was just trying to make me lose confidence.'

(Ulquiorra POV)

'As expected, Lord Aizen's Kyoka Suigetsu never fails. That was way too easy. Now to meet up with Lord Aizen in the world of the living.'

(Y/n's POV)

'Ok, so according to Ulquiorra I'm supposed to stay here until Ichigo finds me, go to the world of the living with him, then go back to Sosuke's side. I just hope I don't have to be involved in the battle.'

I felt Ichigo's spiritual pressure getting closer. 'I'm guessing he's gonna ask me a ton of questions, most likely including 'are you actually on Aizen's side?'' I felt Ichigo's spiritual pressure going toward the door. I think he was trying to decide if he was gonna open it cautiously and what he should do if there are people here guarding me.

I walked over and opening the door to see a surprised Ichigo. "Jeez, what took you so long?" I said while glaring at him.

"Hey! You can't blame me! I wasn't sure if there were people in there guarding you, hiding their spiritual pressure!!"

"And the, I don't know, 2 months I've been here? Anything to say about that?" He stayed silent but I could tell he was mad. There was almost smoke coming out of his ears from anger.

"Anyways, we should go meet up with the others. They're probably looking for us." Ichigo said.

I nodded and followed him. There was an awkward silence between us. Since Ichigo has never actually been in Las Noches, he got us lost. I decided to lead the way instead of him since I actually know my way around.

The silence was broken when Ichigo asked, "So... are you actually on Aizen's side..?"

I stopped in the middle of the hallway, trying to find a way to tell him. "...I wouldn't say I'm really on anyone's side at this point..." I looked back at Ichigo. He kind of flinched as if he thought I was gonna attack him of something.

I sighed. "Go ahead. Ask any questions you want. Let's get this over with."

"Why are you suddenly saying you're not on anyone's side?"

"Well, I know the Soul Society's view of things and after being in Las Noches for so long, I've started to understand their view of things too." I decided to leave it at that.

*a few of Ichigo's pointless questions later*

"We should get going. They might be worrying about us by now." Ichigo said.

"We would have been there by now if you didn't ask so many questions." I mumbled.

"What the hell was that!?"

I chuckled. "Nothing important."

Idk what to say but, have a good day/night. Stay safe!

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