Chapter 15

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Hey... how y'all doin'....? So I haven't been good at updating frequently. Sorry about that. I've been even more lazy than usual because of school. I will try to update more and if I don't.... well it'll probably be expected. Anyways, I'll stop bothering you.

(Aizen's POV)

The Hogyoku is powering up faster than expected. It's almost half way done (ooooh, we're half way there! Ooohoh! Squidward on a chair!). Once the Hogyoku is charged I can finally forge the King's Key.

'I haven't seen Y/n in a while. After I kissed her and Ulquiorra walked in, she ran out of the room. She was really embarrassed. It was cute. Cute? I've never thought of someone as that. Well, I might as well ask some lowly arrancar to make some tea. Maybe I can invite Y/n and we can talk a little.'

'We could maybe start training again soon. I do need her to be stronger. When I go to Karakura town, soul reapers might be there. I want to bring her with me so she has to be strong enough to not die when there's a battle going on.'


Ulquiorra walked in as if he was standing outside the door the whole time. "What is it Aizen-Sama?"

"Tell someone to make tea. Also, bring Y/n here."

"Yes Aizen-Sama"

(Y/n's POV)

I was just sitting in my room, thinking about the events that happened. 'What am I going to do next time he wants to see me? I'm gonna be so embarrassed and awkward.' The door opened to reveal Ulquiorra.

"Aizen-Sama would like to have some tea with you." (Jeez, I wonder how many times I'm gonna have to write 'Aizen-Sama' in this book..)

'NO! I jinxed myself! Now I have to try to act normal around Aizen! How am I supposed to do that?!?'

"Ok.." I said as calmly as I could.

We walked down the halls and passed a few arrancar. I hadn't left my room in a few days so they are probably wondering what I'm doing all the sudden. We passed Gin and Kaname. Gin was smirking as usual and Kaname had his same expressionless face.

"Where are you headed Y/n?" Gin asked.

"I'm going to have Tea with Aizen."

"Oh, we'll have fun." He said in a teasing way.

'Why do I have a feeling he knew what happened the other day..? If he did... WAIT! IS THAT THE REASON EVERYONE WAS WHISPERING AS I WALKED BY?!' I remained calm on the outside.

Ulquiorra opened to door to where Aizen was. I walked in and the door closed behind me.

"Come, sit down" I heard Aizen say. I walked toward him but never made eye contact with him. I sat down and took a sip of the tea, trying to act normal. It was silent for a while.

Aizen broke the silence. "How have you been feeling? The Hogyoku isn't too much of a burden, is it?"

"I've been fine..."

"What's wrong? You sound sad."

"It's nothing." I said trying to sound normal.

"Does it have to do with last time? When we ki-"

"It has nothing to do with that!" I said, blushing.

Aizen chuckled. "So that's it. I figured you would be more happy after that. Did I do something wrong?"

"No, you didn't do anything wrong."

"So you liked the kiss?"

"I never said that!"

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