Chapter 27

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We just hit 3k reads a few days ago! How? I am confusion.

(Y/n's POV)

We were now in Karakura town. Not the fake one. The real one that is in the Soul Society.

I'm starting to get kind of nervous. All of my friends are here and Aizen is about to just kill all of them. Not to mention Aizen and Gin have been really quiet this whole time. Also, Aizen hasn't killed one person yet. I mean, I should be relieved but why would he let the Soul Reapers live.

Oh well. Maybe he was planning to let them live from the beginning.

We continued to walk through Karakura town. Everyone was asleep on the ground. I recognized some of my classmates. I haven't seen Tatsuki yet. I wonder where she is.

We turned in an alley way and I felt some spiritual pressures that were moving. 'Did some weak Soul Reapers stay back to protect Karakura town?' We turned a corner and saw Tatsuki carrying Chizuru (she's the red haired girl that is always fangirling over Orihime. If you don't know who I'm talking about, look it up.). Keigo was also there. 'Oh, I get it! They have stronger spiritual pressures so they aren't asleep like everyone else.

Tatsuki looked like she was about to collapse. Probably because she was carrying Chizuru. It might also be because of Aizen's spiritual pressure. She also looked very surprised to see me.

"Y/n! What are you doing with those creeps!?" Keigo yelled.

I chuckled and looked over at Aizen who didn't seem to happy. 'Yeah.. I would probably run if I were them'

"Do you know these humans Y/n?" Finally Aizen said something.

"Yes, they used to be my classmates."

"Used to be...? So you never planned to come back to school.......?" Tatsuki said weakly. "You just randomly disappeared... we were all so worried about you..."

Now I felt kind of guilty.. "I'm sorry Tatsuki. At first I wanted to come back but..... well........" I didn't want to explain the whole situation. They would probably think I'm crazy if I said I fell in love with Aizen.

"Oh.... you must be like Ichigo then.... he kept disappearing but never told us anything.." Tatsuki looked like she could collapse right now but she stayed strong.

"We've seen Ichigo in this weird uniform fighting these monsters. Whenever we ask him about it he pretends like he doesn't know what we're talking about...." Keigo said.

"I see. So these humans can see Soul Reapers too. I figured they could only see us because they are in the Soul Society, but I guess not." Aizen said. "Quite impressive. I might just let them live."

'Ok, now he's just trying to scare them and me.' I glared at Aizen and he chuckled. "I don't think you ever intended to kill anyone. You could have killed every Soul Reaper back there, but you let them live."

He looked at me for a second then sighed. "I was planning on killing everyone that stood in my way. But... well... I guess I didn't want to upset you...."

I blushed and looked away. 'He was thinking about me the entire time he was fighting?'

"Ummm... so is there a thing going on between you two.....?" Keigo Askes awkwardly.

I basically turned into a tomato. I was about to go hide behind Aizen when he pulled me closer to him by the waist. I looked up at him and he nodded towards Keigo.

"Y/nnnn, you were the only girl I thought I might have a chance with!" Keigo cried and was about to jump onto me when Aizen kicked him away.

He hit a tree. There was a dent in the tree. "That's gotta hurt..." I whisper to myself but Aizen evidently heard and chuckled.

"You didn't think I would let some other man touch you and get away with it, did you?" He said with his usual smirk on his face. "Human or not they still can't get anywhere near you."

At this point Tatsuki passed out. She probably couldn't withstand Aizen's spiritual pressure.

Well, at least Aizen is acting like himself again. Gin has been unusually quiet though. Usually by now he would be teasing me or Aizen about our relationship.

It seems Aizen noticed to. "Do you have anything to say Gin? You have been awfully quiet for a while now."

"Oh, is Captain Aizen worried about me now?" Gin said with his usual smirk.

'Well, I guess we were worried about nothing.. I'm glad that nothing is wrong though.'

(Gin's POV)

I was planning on trying to stop and kill Aizen but....

I don't think he's actually going to kill anyone. After all, Y/n is here and he did mention a second way of forging the King's Key. Apparently it could be risky but he will probably use the second way so he doesn't make Y/n watch her friends die.

I know the main reason I was gonna kill him was for revenge for him hurting Rangiku but I wouldn't want to upset Y/n.

I might as tell them what my true intentions were...

Welp, time to go play more otome games and stuff. Have a good day/night. Stay safe!

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