Chapter 4

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(Y/n's POV)

Training starts today. I was well rested but I still have to go to school. I made sure to have a healthy breakfast and packed a good lunch to keep my energy up. I even packed a (soda of your choice) for extra energy (Author-Chan over here chugging a Mountain Dew).

*time skip, after school*

I still had a decent amount of energy so I'll be good for training. I was going to be training with the help of Yoruichi. I still needed to find out if I have a power like everyone else. We started training.

The first thing we did was work out exercises for a warm up. I did pretty well at that. Next were some battle questions. For example, if someone with a zanpakuto comes up to you ready to fight but you don't have any weapons, what do you do?

*time skip to later in their training*

All of the sudden Yoruichi turned into a human. She was naked but I tried not to act weird because we're both girls (unless you're a boy, I don't discriminate). Yoruichi put some clothes on and then told me that we were gonna fight.

"Fight!?! I'm not ready to fight!"

"You'll be fine. I promise I won't hurt you too much."

'Won't hurt me too much!?!! You used to be the captain of squad 2 aka the stealth force! Of course you're gonna kill me!!!'

We fought and as expected, I ended up with a black eye and many bruises. Yoruichi told me training was over for today and that I needed to get some rest for tomorrow. I headed home and went to sleep.

*the next day, in the middle of training*

Yoruichi told me we were going to fight again. 'Nothing different is gonna happen. It's gonna end up exactly like how it did last time. In the middle of fighting all of the sudden a burst of energy went through me. I moved fast and was able to see all of her moves. I ended up losing but I did better than last time.

*time skip, a day before going to the soul society*

'So far I don't have any special powers. What am I gonna do?! We're going to save Rukia tomorrow! I'm gonna be useless' (not as useless as Orihime! Hehehe. Sorry, I'll stop..).

I was going to train with Yoruichi as usual but all the sudden a hollow showed up. 'Shit! What am I supposed to do!!' (And all the sudden Ichigo shows u-

Just kidding, Y/n's the main character in this world! Sorry, that's not part of her thoughts. Author-Chan will stop now.)

The hollow looked straight at me. I got out the sword Yoruichi gave me. I got into a fighting position and-


I kept running until I realized I'm not fast enough to out run a hollow and stopped. All of the sudden energy was running through my veins. 'Just like that time during training..' I thought. I turned around ready to fight this time. I ran up to the hollow and started attacking it. All of the sudden instinctively I decided to hold my hands in front of me (oh my god I wonder what is going to happen (Laying on the sarcasm thick there)).

A bolt of lightning shot out of my hands and hit the hollow in the arm. I took this time when it's guard was down to slice straight through it's mask. The hollow disintegrated and I continued to walk to training. Little did I know Yoruichi was watching the whole time and that was part of my training.

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