Chapter 2

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Suddenly I'm really nervous about making this book. Anyways, I guess I'll just keep making it because there aren't that many Aizen x reader fanfics I can find. Anyways just go read this chapter I guess.

(Y/n's POV)

I turned to walk down the street. There it was. Karakura high school. My new school. I saw many people going in the doors.

5 people were starring straight at me. I looked behind me to see if anyone was there. 'Nope. I guess they are looking at me then....' I thought. I turned back to see them still looking at me. There was a tall muscular dude with brown hair, a girl with ashy orange hair, a guy with glasses and dark blue hair, a short girl with black hair, and a angry looking dude with bright orange hair. 'His hair looks like a pumpkin...' I thought 'no.. more like a carrot. That isn't his natural hair, right?' I realized I was starring for too long and saw the kid with bright orange hair right in front of me.


I glared at him. "You guys were starring at me first! I'm new here so I just wanted to get to know my surroundings."

"Oh you're new here! Hi, my name is Orihime!" The orange haired girl behind him said.

"Hi... I'm Y/n."

Everyone introduced themselves. I don't know what Ichigo's problem was. He kept glaring at me throughout the day.

*time skip because Author-Chan is lazy*

It was the end of the school day. Ichigo wasn't glaring at me anymore which was a good thing... I think. We all decided to go get ice cream.

We were walking to the cafe to get ice cream. Orihime was talking about all the flavors she was going to get. All of the sudden there was a loud crash behind us. It sent Rukia flying across the street but luckily she landed on her feet.

Ichigo turned around and next thing I knew he was on the ground and-


I starred at him with my mouth open in surprise. In front of him was a weird creature with a mask. Rukia saw me and went over to me.

"You can see him?" She asked.

"Why wouldn't I be able to see him?"

"I'll explain later. Right now you should get to safety."

I looked behind me to see Ichigo fighting the monster. "... ok.." I said. I went with Orihime and Chad to some weird shop. I believe it was called the Urahara shop. Orihime told me that Kisuke Urahara, the owner of the shop, should be able to explain what is happening.

*time skip brought to you by Toshiro being a cute tsundere*

Ichigo and Rukia came to meet us by Urahara's shop once they were done. I don't know what happened to Uryu but I'm guessing he's fine.

We went in the shop and were greeted by a man in a hat with a cat (not to be confused with the cat in the hat XD). The cat glared at me suspiciously and the man was waving around a fan greeting us.

*time skip to when Urahara is done explaining because I'm lazy*

"Do you have any questions?" Urahara asked.

"Are there any enemies of the Soul Society other than the hollows?" I asked.

"Not that we know of." Rukia responded.

"I expect there will be soon though." Urahara spoke this time.

'Will be soon..? What on earth does he mean by that?' I thought.

"You should get home. It's getting late." The cat named Yoruichi said.

"Ok, I'll be back soon" I said and got up to go out the door.

"Wait! We should go with you!" Rukia and Ichigo said at the same time. "We don't want you to get injured" Rukia said

"Oh, ok! You and Ichigo can come with me then!"

The three of us walked out of the store and down the street. As we were walking we saw two people. One had long black hair and the other had red spiked hair in a ponytail. They were both wearing the same thing Ichigo was earlier. Weird....

They both turned around to us. Rukia looked shocked and Ichigo looked pissed. The next thing I knew I was knocked out.

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