Chapter 25

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[Insert random dumb shit here]

(Gin's POV)

Ichigo is trying to start fighting Aizen while Rukia and Renji hold him back. 'Honestly it is embarrassing that we had an interest in that kid. But at least we can get a kick out of him making a fool of himself.'

Before I knew it, Ichigo was charging at Aizen. 'I'll do you a favor so you get cut to a bloody pulp.' I jumped in front Ichigo and blocked his attack easily before kicking him back towards Renji.

'He should at least wait until Aizen is scratched up a little bit before attacking.' As expected, Ichigo jumped right back up and came to attack again. And again. And again. I kept blocking his attacks until I decided to get out of Aizen's way and battle Ichigo some where else.

'Maybe now he will be focused on attacking me instead of Aizen.'

(Y/n's POV)

'Thank god Gin stepped in when he did. There is no way Ichigo could actually fight Aizen without dying.' I looked over toward Aizen and the soul reapers. Those that weren't fighting look like they were about to attack Aizen. 'I can already tell this isn't gonna go well..'

I noticed that there were no longer any spiritual pressures beside me. 'The others must have gone to help the people fighting arrancar. Kisuke and Yoruichi are probably watching the battles from afar until they think it is a good time for them to jump in.'

Aizen looked over at me. His gaze wasn't his usual confident gaze. It was more worried. 'I'm guessing he wants me to get away from the battle that's about to happen.' I nodded to him and ran off to find Kisuke and Yoruichi.

(Aizen's POV)

I knew we wouldn't have a problem in this battle. Even when Kisuke Urahara and Yoruichi Shihouin come into the battle later there still won't be a problem.

But I was worried about Y/n getting caught in the middle of the battle. If that were to happen she would have to fight. I know she is capable of fighting but the thing is I'm not sure who she'll fight for. I'm afraid she will end up fighting with the soul reapers and Kaname will hurt her.

Or even worse, I will hurt her.

I looked toward Y/n and right away she understood. She nodded and headed toward Kisuke and Yoruichi.

Now the battle can finally start.

(Kisuke's POV)

Yoruichi and I were watching the battles play out. As expected Y/n decided to join us.

"Y/n! You don't want to join in the battle!" I said cheerfully, waving around my fan so she couldn't tell I was slightly worried.

"I wouldn't mind battling. It's just that.." She paused for a little bit, as if trying to come up with an excuse. "Ichigo was worried about me and said I should stick with you guys until you start fighting."

That was actually a believable excuse. "You shouldn't have listened to that kid! He doesn't know your strength!" Yoruichi shouted angrily.

"Don't get so mad Yoruichi. At least this way she can help us fight Aizen in the end."

"Yeah.." Y/n said, almost sadly.

'It's almost as if Y/n is still contemplating what side she'll be on.' I thought. 'I know there were theories that Y/n and Aizen were in a relationship because of what one arrancar said, but I didn't think they were real! Well, I guess I still don't know for sure. She probably wouldn't admit it if she was. I guess I'll never know, unless I ask someone else...'

(Y/n's POV)

I was with Kisuke and Yoruichi on the opposite side of town that the battles were on. Yoruichi was watching the battles, looking for a good time to jump in. Kisuke has been staring at the ground thinking for almost 5 minutes. 'I wish I could read people's minds. That would be awesome! Then I could see what Kisuke is thinking.'

'Well... actually I take that back. I don't know if I want to know what he is thinking.'

*Time skip* (still Y/n's POV)

It has been about half an hour and it looks like Kisuke and Yoruichi are gonna jump into battle. As expected, almost all of the soul reapers are unconscious on the ground. The four Espada that came here (Starrk, Barragan, Harribel, and Ulquiorra) are all doing fine, just a little scratched up.

I looked over to check on Ichigo and Gin's battle. Ichigo has been unconscious for about 10 minutes. Gin could have killed him by now but instead is back with Aizen and Kaname.

Oh yeah, and did I mention that Kaname fought Shuhei and Komamura. Yeah, that didn't go well for the soul reapers either.

But wanna know something funny. Out of all of the battles, not one person has died yet. I would have guessed at least half of the soul reapers would be bleeding to death now but I guess Aizen went easy on them. He's probably just saving energy for the battle with Kisuke and Yoruichi.

I looked at Yoruichi and Kisuke. They were both just about to charge at Aizen.

"You should stay here Y/n" Yoruichi said.

"Yeah, we wouldn't want someone we just saved to get captured again." Kisuke added. "Or even worse, get killed."

"Ok I guess. Be careful, don't get yourselves killed."

"If Aizen is gonna treat us like the rest of the soul reapers, then I'm pretty sure we'll be fine." Yoruichi said, smiling confidently.

"I-I guess that's true. But still, you can't be certain."

"We'll see ya later Y/n." Yoruichi said.

"Yeah, see ya." Kisuke said waving.

Have a good day/night. Stay safe!

The Space Between (Aizen x Reader story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora