Roger nodded in relief. "Okay team, you heard the man! Let's go!"

The Ravenclaw Quidditch team exited the locker rooms in a single file line. Outside, there was a mix of raucous cheers, and deafening boos. A large sea of green jeered at them, but an even larger sea of blue cheered. It seemed the entirety of Hogwarts had turned out for the event, even though the temperature of the air was below freezing.

Madam Hooch blew her whistle. "Players in position? Ready, set, GO!" The whistle sounded, and 14 broomsticks rose into the air with a loud whoosh.

Lee Jordan was back at the commentating stand. "And they're off! Let's hope that Roger pulled a good team together, because I will not be able to take it if Slytherin wins-"

"JORDAN!" And Professor Mcgonnagal was there as well. Annoyed as always by the commentators. Sigh.

"Sorry Professor! Anyway, Ji-Eun takes the Quaffle! She speeds around the field, streaking past Chasers Adrian Pucey and Jeon Minguk, she readies her shot—NO!"

IU was suddenly hit from behind by a Bludger, thrown her way by Kim Yerim. IU's broomstick spiraled for a few seconds, and the Quaffle dropped towards the ground.

"Jeon Minguk picks up the Quaffle and speeds past Davies and Jisoo, OH MAN! That Bludger nearly had him—"


"Sorry Professor! UNFORTUNATELY, Jeon Minguk dodges a Bludger directed at him, and keeps speeding towards the goal. NO NO NO PLEASE DON'T MAKE IT IN PLEASE DON'T—YES! KEEPER IRENE BAE BLOCKS THE QUAFFLE SUCCESSFULLY!"

Irene smirked at the livid Minguk. "Better luck next time!" she called to him. His only response was a growl.

"Jisoo takes the Quaffle!" She swooped past Marcus Flint, and whammed the Quaffle, right into the ring.

"AND SHE SCORES!!" Jordan was ecstatic.

Jungkook looked around the field. There was absolutely no sign of the Snitch. He saw Jimin hovering in the air as well, searching intently for any sign of a golden glint. Nothing.

"Looks like the Seekers haven't had much to do so far. Wait! Has Jungkook spotted something-?"

Because Jungkook suddenly dived for the ground. He had seen a golden glint hovering around three feet above the floor, near a goalpost. Jimin saw it almost at the same moment. They both sped towards the Snitch, but Jungkook was closer. Jimin knew it. Jungkook would get the Snitch before him—

"THAT WAS DELIBERATE!" Jordan shouted angrily.

Jungkook had been in the lead, when out of nowhere, not a Bludger, but a QUAFFLE had come flying at him. And guess who it had been hit by?

That's right. Minguk.

Madam Pomfrey couldn't call it a foul, because technically it wasn't. Minguk insisted the Quaffle had "slipped" out of his arms "accidentally" whamming Jungkook's broomstick, almost knocking him off. But it was an "accident".

And so play continued, the bleachers filled with loud murmurings and complaints.

Jungkook was furious. Right after Minguk had "accidentally" knocked him over, Minguk had the nerve to wink at him! Jungkook wanted nothing more than to punch his brother in the face. Or maybe somewhere worse. Like-

Anyway. Ahem.



While Jordan tried to keep himself from blowing Minguk into pieces, Jungkook kept his eyes peeled for the Snitch. And then he saw it.

It was there, glittering near a goalpost. No one had seen it. And Jungkook zipped through the air, aiming for the Snitch. But suddenly, time seemed to slow.

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