Chapter Nine

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It was a good thing that Jungkook was still happy about Jimin getting into the Slytherin Quidditch team, because when he arrived at Potions 20 minutes late, he was given one of the biggest scoldings in his life. Even though Taehyun, Tae, and Hobi had tried to explain that Jungkook was indeed feeling a bit sick, and had to go see Madam Pomfrey, Snape had taken 10 points from Ravenclaw, then proceeded to glare at the boys. When Jungkook had finally arrived, he was berated for being late. Jungkook was rather hurt by the words Snape used against him. That's saying a lot, seeing as his own parents were really adept at dishing out insults as well.

So it was natural that Jungkook was in a bad mood when the Ravenclaws met up with the Hufflepuffs outside on the fields for their flying lessons. He was happy that Jimin joined the Slytherin team, but flying high above the ground on a flimsy stick, where a gust of wind could probably knock anyone off the broom, and where he could get splatted on the floor like a broken egg just wasn't his idea of fun. Then again, he had never flown before...

Hobi was trying to show anyone that was interested what his mother had sent him the night before. "She has already gotten used to Owl Post! I'm so proud of her! Look! Look!" and he thrust the object into Jungkook's face. Normally he would have been interested, but today? He was kind of annoyed, to say the least.

"Oh come ON Kookie! Lighten up! We're learning how to fly, AND we're learning together! Kookie!"

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

Hobi sighed. "Well, I just wanted to share what my mother gave me..." he muttered sadly.

Jungkook was the one who sighed now. "Oh, alright! What is it?"

Hoseok's face brightened immediately. "Look! She sent me this!" And he pulled out a small pin. It looked like pure gold, and Jungkook could see it meant a lot to the other boy.

"This was my grandmother's..." Suddenly, Hobi's voice took on a somber tone. "I remember her wearing it back when she was still alive... I haven't seen it in a while, and maybe even forgot about it... but my mother was cleaning, and she found it and sent it to me because she thought I would like having it as a kind of reminder of my grandmother." He stopped for a few moments. Then his face brightened slightly. "But I'm sure she would have liked you, Kookie! I'm sure she would have loved all of.. THIS." He gestured around. "I miss her... but I think she is happy right now. I think she is happy that I'M happy...."

Jungkook nodded slightly, smiling at the other boy. He couldn't feel mad or annoyed anymore when Hobi was so hopeful and happy. "Of course she is happy Hobi!" He slung his arm around the other boy.

"Alright! Everyone listen up!" Madam Hooch called loudly, interrupting them. "I do not want ANY messing around today, alright? Be good!"

All of them nodded, having heard what had occurred yesterday, and not wanting to repeat the sorry tale of the Gryffindor/Slytherin flying lesson.

"Please go and choose a broomstick, and line up in a row. Quickly!" They all hurried to do as Madam Hooch said. "Now, put the broomstick on the floor, and hold your hand over it. Now, with as much confidence as you can summon, say UP!"

All around Jungkook, choruses of "UP! UP! UP!" could be heard. Most of the broomsticks stayed stubbornly on the ground.

Jungkook sighed. At least he wouldn't be the only one to fail miserably at flying. He took a deep breath. "UP!" he shouted, as confidently as he could.

The broomstick sprang into his outstretched hand. Jungkook's eyes widened. He looked around at the others. Only Taehyung's broomstick had left the ground.

Hobi's eyebrows were scrunched up in concentration as he willed his broomstick to leave the ground. It didn't.

Taehyun frowned in concentration as the broomstick didn't seem to be responding to his desires. He didn't like to be bad at things. "UP!" The broomstick stubbornly stayed put.

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