Chapter One

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"Little Kookie! Itsy bitsy Kookie? Where are you hiding? Come out, come out wherever you are!"

11 year old Jeon Jungkook looked up in alarm. What did he want now? He quickly stood up and creaked open the door to the large closet he was in, closing the cover of the piano that he had been playing.

"Where are you?"

Shaking slightly, Jungkook slipped out of the closet and ran silently towards his bedroom. All was going well, until his foot caught on a rug, and he sprawled headlong on the floor.

"HA!" 14 year old Jeon Minguk appeared in the hallway. He wrenched Jungkook off the floor and gripped his arm tightly. "Your presence is requested in the dining room", he sneered down at his younger brother.

Jungkook nodded vigorously. This did not seem to be the right move.

"Are you mocking me, you little brat?" Minguk clutched Jungkook's arm so tightly that his blood circulation might have stopped. "Answer me you idiot!"

"N-n-no I wasn't mocking you!" Jungkook stuttered in fear and pain. He did not have any feeling in his arm anymore.

"I will tell Mother and Father about this, mark my words!" Minguk started to drag Jungkook down the hall at a run, forcing the younger boy to sprint in desperation to keep from falling.

Jungkook could not really be too concerned about how his parents would react. After all, the worst thing they could do was not give him food for a day, and lock him in his room. Although, that would be a horrible punishment, they just would not know it. Jungkook's life seemed to revolve on being able to wander around unseen and ignored. When no one cared where he went, he could be free to pursue his interests. He could go to his secret refuge, in the shape of a broom closet.

Jungkook had enlarged the closet with a spell he had found in a book. He had then started sneaking his belongings into the closet, objects that he would be scolded by his parents and laughed at by his brother for being found in his bedroom. An old piano was one of the first items moved into the closet. Then, some spellbooks, some fairytales, an old lamp, a beanbag chair, and a cool Muggle instrument called a guitar(he had found this out in one of his books about Muggles) were snuck in, until soon the closet felt less than a room, but a refuge in the huge, dark, cold, leering mansion that his family owned.

Jeon Jungkook was an unusual boy. He was very smart for his age, and was good at almost everything. Once, his brother had started to cry when Jungkook had bested him in wizard's chess. That had been one of the only times his parents had felt proud to have him as a son. The rest of the time however, Jungkook remained either spurned or unseen. There was no good reason, except the fact that the family supported Voldemort, the Dark Lord, and even practiced the Dark Arts in secret, though on the outside, they appeared to be good and polite folks, perhaps even kind to some. For this reason, Jungkook could not ever hope to be a part of this horrible family, and he tried to do whatever he could to be different. Mr and Mrs Jeon did not much appreciate this, coming especially from their own son. They liked to pretend that Jungkook did not exist instead. Even when Minguk made fun of him, teased him, made him cry, and sometimes even hurt him, Jungkook's parents would remain indifferent. After all, if the little brat was hurt a little bit, maybe he would learn to be more normal. They were a proud pureblood family, but it seemed that their younger son forgot that at times. If he needed the ideas and values of the Jeon family beaten into him, so be it. It would be better than letting him turn into a dirty, traitorous Muggle lover.

And so, as Minguk led Jungkook into the cavernous dining hall, where their parents were waiting, their mother stiff and haughty, their father playing with his wand with an air of being too good for the world, Jungkook felt nothing but misgivings and the ominous feeling that he was about to get punished for a trivial misdeed.

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