Chapter 19 - The new couple!!

Mulai dari awal

He's the sweetest guy ever, why did I always friend zone him. I grabbed his hoodie and put it on. "Thank you," I said with a smile. "Uh, y-yeah no p-problem," he said.

We arrived to the smoothie place and walked inside. "What are you getting?" I asked him, he looked at the menu above us and shrugged. "Maybe a berry smoothie," he said. "I think i'm getting Mango," I giggled.

"May I take your orders?" the lady said. "Hi, can I get one berry smoothie and one mango smoothie," Kyran said, the lady wrote it down on her little book. "Okay.. that will be 5 dollars, you can pay when you get your order," she said looking up from the cash register.

"That's fine thank you," he said and we walked over to a table. "So what are we doing after?" I asked him. "Hmm, wanna watch a movie at my dorm? It is cold," he said and I giggled. "Sure! That way we don't third and forth wheel anymore," I said. We both started laughing.

(I'm lazy) At Kyrans dorm.
Kyran's POV

I grabbed two bags of chips and walked back to the couch. "You can pick the movie, since they never let you pick it," I said and she smiled. "Thanks Kyran," Gold said. She scrolled through Netflix and picked 'Coraline'. "This is Lunar's favorite," she giggled. I laughed and the movie started.

Funneh's POV

"I dare you to kiss Funneh, and not on the check." Evan said. Alec laughed and turned to me. He kissed my forehead and we both started laughing even more. "YOU'RE NO FUN!" Evan shouted. We laughed even more.

Evan, Lunar, Rainbow, Alec, and I are in my dorm playing truth or dare. Gold left who knows where, and Kyran is busy. I wonder where they both went. Then we have Draco and Aly who went skating again.

"Truth or dare?" Alec smirked as he asked Evan. "Dare," Evan said proudly. "I dare you to kiss Lunar," Alec said. Evan turned to Lunar and smiled. He was about to kiss her on the lips when Lunar pushed him away.

"Woah there, chill. Not on my lips," she said rolling her eyes. He frowned and kissed her check. "Why don't you two just date?" Rainbow asked. They both started turning red, then they glared at all of us.

"Anyways, Truth or Dare Funneh?" Lumar asked. Obviously she wanted to change the topic. "Truth," I shrugged. "How long have you liked Alec for?" she asked. Everyone looked at me and Alec smirked.

"Um. Since when I first met him," I said and put one of the couch pillows on my red face. "Ahh, so you've always liked me?" he whispered. "Shut up," I shouted and threw the pillow at him.

"I'm joking babe, I also liked you when I first met you," he said and I smiled. "Okay love birds, ask someone else's now," Lunar said annoyed. I rolled my eyes playfully and looked at Rainbow. "Truth or Dare?"

After the movie

The movie ended and we both laughed. "I now love that movie. Now I know why Lumar always watches it," Gold said and we laughed. "Yep, besides anime," I added. She giggled and sat up. "Now what?" I asked her. She looked at me and smiled, "Park?" I nodded my head as I  grabbed another hoodie.

We walked out my dorm and started walking towards the park. We passed by her dorm and looked through the window, we say everyone except Draco and Aly there. "I wonder what they're doing," I said.

She shrugged her shoulder giggling, "Maybe playing a game." I laughed and we continued walking. The leaves kept falling some more. Gold was looking around and smiling. I felt my face heat up. She's so pretty... gosh that's why I always turn red.

The air blew a bit harder and made her hair fly everywhere. We both laughed, she put her hair in a high ponytail. "My hair is a curse!" she giggled.

We walked into the park and sat down on a bench. There was people walking around, and others taking pictures. "Let's take a selfie!" Gold shouted and took out her phone. She put her head by mine and posed. She threw up a peace sign and I smiled.

She took the picture and showed me it. "We're cute!!" she giggled. "Yep," I smiled. "I'm glad we got to hangout today together, it's always the whole group but it's nice when it's just us" she said with a smile. I smiled as well, "Yeah, now it's our hangout."

A lady passed by and looked at us, "Are you two dating?? You two are a cute couple!" I looked at Gold who was red as a tomato, "N-No! Umm we're friends!" "That's what I always told my husband as kids," the lady said, she laughed as she walked away.

I scratched my neck and Gold looked down. "Can I be honest with you?" she mumbled. I turned and look at her, "mhm?" She looked up at me, "I.. uh..... I like you," she said. She looked away quickly.

My checks started heating up, and I smiled. "I like you too.." I said. She looked at me shocked. "You do?" I smiled and nodded my head yes. "Yeah... I really do."

She smiled. "Will you be my girlfriend..?" I asked her, she started giggling. "Of course I will," she said before hugging me. I hugged her back and we both laughed.

She let go and I smiled at her. "We we should go back to my dorm, it's getting late," she said and I nodded. We got and walked away holding hands. "I'm so lucky to have such a sweet boyfriend," she said and I smiled. "And I'm lucky to have such a funny and kind girlfriend."

(BRO THEY ARE MY FAVVV!! After Levan of course. But they are soooo cute🥰🥰)

She unlocked the door and we walked inside. They were still on the couch and turned to look at us. "Holding hands eh?" Evan smirked. Rainbow and Lunar started jumping and fan girling like crazy.

"Wait.. Are you two dating?!" Funneh shouted. Gold looked at me and we both started laughing. "Yeah," Gold giggled. They all started clapping and cheering.

"Congratulations," Alec said. I gave him a smile and we sat down on the couch. "So what are you guys doing?" I asked them. "Eh just playing Truth or Dare," Lunar said. Rainbow giggled and nodded. "Ooo can we play too," Gold asked. "Sure!"

9:00 pm
Lunar's POV

"Bye guys!" Rainbow shouted as we left their dorm. Alec and Kyran were saying bye to Gold and Funneh. After they finished they caught up to us. "Tomorrow is Sunday, what are we doing tomorrow?" Kyran asked.

"We have planned bowling," Evan replied, and I nodded. "Yeah, well see you tomorrow guys. I have to go the other way," he pointed to the other side. "Already bye!" I said and he ran off.

word count: 1733

Next chapter will be better I hope! There will be more drama👀I won't say a lot but has to do with Lunar and Alec. Okay bye now! See you next chapter , stay safe <3

Why did you leave me?|| Itsfunneh + Krew + YHS || Book 1 || {COMPLETE}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang