"Okay, I'm awake already!" he roared, "God, can't a guy get a good sleep around here?!" He paused, noticing where we were. "Oh god." He put his face in his hands, rubbing his bleary eyes furiously with the base of his palms. "What happened?"

"Oh my God Zayn! WE JUST WENT THROUGH THAT!" I exclaimed irritably, finishing with a sigh of frustration. "The hunter provoked you, shot Lou, Li, Niall and you and was about to go for Harry when I found you and talked him out of it," I rambled.

"Oh," was Zayn's simple response.

"Yes, yes, that's all well and good," Harry piped up again in an orderly way, "but how are we going to convince Mum that nothing happened?"

"Wait," i interrupted, suddenly alarmed. If Louis was the first to be shot. shouldn't he have been the first to wake up, or at least awake by now? "Shouldn't we wait until Louis wakes up, I mean, he hasn't even shifted back yet,"

"I suppose so, but we should still think of ideas while we wait," replied Harry evenly. He was sudenly taking charge, and very effectively if you ask me. But wasn't he worried about Louis?

On queue a pained whimper escaped Louis' lips, but he didn't shift back. Instead, his once even steady breathing became shallow, the rising and falling of his chest decreasing and slowing, and my own breath hitched in my throat. My body went into full panic mode within seconds and I sprung to Louis' side.

"Louis? Louis!" I rubbed his furry face, "Oh my God, Lou, please wake up." Hot salty tears brimmed on my eyelashes, blurring Louis' white fur in front of me.

"Come on Sam, calm down," Zayn gently prised me away from Louis' deteriorating figure, but I could hear his voice wavering with uncertainty. Liam, Niall and Harry took my place around Louis and began inspecting his situation. I curled into a ball in Zayn's firm but kind grip while tears dribble down my flushed cheeks.

"Ssh, ssh, Sam," Zayn cooed, rocking gently back and forth while cuddling me like a teddy, "It'll be okay,"

"Uh...Zayn, can you come over here for a second?" Niall turned worriedly to call Zayn.

Zayn's POV

I prised Sam off me and stood shakily, resting Sam down gently on the scratchy leaves. As I approached the others a sharp pain hit my stomach, the instinct to shift. I knew the others would be fighting the urge too. Even though shifting was a painful experience, if a pack's Alpha shifts it's instinct for the rest of the pack to follow his or her lead.

I crouched beside Liam, pouring more shadow over Louis' snowy fur. "So, what's the problem?"

"Actually we were hoping you could tell us that Zayn," Liam admitted ruefully. I looked down at Louis again. No wound remained and there were no other impairments, so I didn't quite understand why he...


But that was impossible...

"But that's the only plausible explanation..." I mumbled, more to myself than the others.

"What, Zayn?" Harry asked, both impatiently and begging woefully.

"It seems that Louis has found his mate, and I think I know who it is,"

Liam's POV

Shock rippled through the air like a slow motion bullet in an action movie. Louis had found his mate, and we all knew who it was. "Sam!" Zayn called her over. This was going to take some explaining. She glided over in such a clumsy manner it looked almost graceful.

"Is he going to be okay? Can you make him shift back?" Zayn sighed.

"I'm sorry Sam, we can't get him to shift back," Sam whimpered and silent tears leaked from her eyes, "but you can."

Waiting for rain ( a 1D werewolf story ~ AU)Where stories live. Discover now