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We were right on time. Just as Te Kā tried to grab Moana, Maui's giant hawk form swooped up and cut off Te Kās hand.

"Maui! You came back," Moana was overjoyed. I appeared on the surface of the ocean as Maui looked into my direction and smiled.

"But your hook. One more hit and..." Moana continued. "Pfff Te Kā's gotta catch me first. I got your back, Chosen One. Go save the world," as he turned her boat around. "Maui. Thank you." "Your welcome. Cheehooo!" and he turned into a Beatle and flew towards Te Kā, actually right in from of its face, then turned into a whale. That created such a big wave, that it covered Te Kās whole figure and sent Moana towards Te Fiti.

He fought Te Kā bravely, but one hit form it had Maui flying towards a rock. He had to regain some strength, but in that time Te Kā grabbed the opportunity and sent a giant lava ball straight towards Moana. As I heard Mauis screams I quickly turned into my water form and lessened Te Kās attack. It was still not enough as Moana fell into the ocean. I quickly helped and carried her towards the shore.

As Te Kā attacked towards Moana, Maui powered up his hook and send his final blow. That made a gust of wind which sent Moana flying towards the top and Maui falling on a rock. I quickly came to him and extended him a hand. I saw his broken hook and smiled sadly. All will be okay. I know it will.

As Moana came to the top, she saw emptiness. Te Fitis spot was empty, and that means...she turned around and saw Te Kās figure. It wasn't noticeable until now, but Te Kā has the same spiral as...Te Fiti!

Moana was just on time as the hearts light shone brightly to Te Kā. She came down to the shore: "Let her come to me," she said.

I went to higher ground and parted the ocean for Moana. She advanced onto the sand. Te Kā full of rage came with such speed no one could even imagine it.

Moana stepped onto a higher rock and waited for Te Kā or should I say Te Fiti. My muscles relaxed and I watched from the barrier islands, the restoration of the heart. But Te Fiti wasn't slowing down. Her speed wasn't changing if this continued she will kill Moana.

Moanas stubbornness stopped her from moving, from running away. She stood there confidently, as though all will be alright. And I thought so too, until a few seconds ago.

Why was it changing? It was not supposed to be like this! I did everything right. I didn't change a single thing. Moana delivered Maui across the great sea, she has the heart, Was I the problem?

My thoughts were everywhere, but I didn't have time. Te Fiti was advancing too quickly.

My legs moved as if controlled. I descended the hardened lava and just before I jumped into the ocean I heard Maui calling out to me. Telling me not to go. I didn't listen, I need to get Moana to safety. We need to figure out how to fix this.

I appeared in front of Moana and turned to her. Te Fiti was coming closer and closer and I didn't have enough time. "Leil-" "Shh, we don't have enough time. Fate suddenly changed its course. You need to get to safety. Now!" Moana didn't move, she was still as stone. I looked back and saw Te Fitis body. She was here. I looked up just as she swung her hand towards us. I quickly pushed Moana with the water towards the shore. She screamed to let her go, but it was no use. I turned my head towards Te Fiti and pushed my arms together just before her hot lava touched me. A water wave surrounded me making her scream and back off. That gave me just enough time to collect my thoughts and swirl the water around her, to make her cool down.

There was so much steam, as her screams continued there was an explosion near the shore. It was like fate was against us.

As Moana crashed into the shore, she let go of the heart because of the impact and one of Te Fitis lava balls, like it was magnetized to it, came crashing down into the heart and crushed it into dust. That made a big explosion and then everything went quiet.

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