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Leilani heard Moanas chehoo as her and Maui went from the realm of monsters victorious. They appeared from the bottom of the sea and fell on the shore.

Moana was ecstatic: "We're alive! Were aliv-uuggg" she retreated as she saw Mauis form, half-shark half-human.

He said: " Listen - I appreciate what you did down there." "Mhm" was all Moana could repeat as she was focused on his head. Maui continued unaware: "Took guts. But....I'm sorry. I'm trying to be sincere for once, and it feels like your distracted." Moana didn't seriously answer him back: "No, no. No way" Maui was unamused: "Really? Because you're looking at me like I have a....uhhhh shark head". He finally realised. "What? Do you have a shark head? Cause-" Moana was interrupted. "Look, the point is...for a little girl, child, thing, whatever...who had no business being down there...you did me a solid. But you also almost died. And I couldn't even beat that dumb crab. So, chances of beating Te Kā? Bupkis. Were never making it to Te Fiti. This mission is cursed." Maui sat down and started sulking. "It's not cursed," Moana tried to fix the situation, but Maui just pointed at his head: "Shark head." But Moana didn't give up that easily. She grabbed his hook and gave it to him saying: "It is not cursed." But just as he touched his hook he changed to several different animals and in the end, he changed into a bigger version of Heihei which made him more angry and frustrated. He tried to change back and as he thought he was back to normal, he fell over with a shark tale. His head slumped over on the sand as he said: "Cursed."


I was sleeping until Moana woke me up, as she was thrown off the boat by Maui of course.

I brought her back on and listened.

Moana started talking: "You don't wanna talk, don't talk. You wanna throw me off the boat...throw me off. You wanna tell me I don't know what I'm doing...I know I don't. I have no idea why the ocean chose me. You're right. But my island is dying...so I am here. It's just me and you. And I want to help...but I can't if you don't let me". She looked at him with hopeful eyes, but when she didn't get a response she thought he would confide in her.

"I wasn't born a demigod. I had human parents. They uhh...they took one look and decided...they did not want me. They threw me into the sea...like I was nothing. Somehow I was found by the gods. They gave me the hook. They made me...Maui. And back to the humans, I went. I gave them island, fire, coconuts. Anything they could ever want."

Moana realized: "You took the heart for them. You did everything for them. So they'd love you." Maui with sadness clearly showing on his face: "It was never enough."

A few seconds passed and Moana came closer to Maui: "Maybe the gods found you for a reason. Maybe the ocean brought you to them...because it saw someone worthy of being saved. But the gods aren't the ones who make you Maui. You are."


A few days passed. Maui figured out how to turn into a giant hawk and taught Moana how to sail.

The boat went into a thick fog. Maui was on top of the sail and looked at Moana. When she notices she says: "What?"

Maui jumped down and said: "I figured it out. You know the ocean used to love when I pulled up the islands 'cause your ancestors would her sail her seas and find 'em. All those new lands, new villages. It was water that connected 'em all. And if I were the ocean...I think I would be looking for a curly-haired non-princess to start that again."

"That is literally the nicest thing you've ever said to me. Probably should have saved it for Te Fiti."

"I did. Moana of Motunui. I believe you have officially delivered Maui across the great sea."

Leilani was just watching their interaction from afar. It broke her heart as she watched how they talked and laughed with each other. She watched how they looked at each other. How Maui never looked at her that way. Even though they knew each other for more than a thousand years. Maybe....they weren't meant to be.

But now was not the time to have these dark thoughts. It was time to restore the heart of Te Fiti.

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