Wake Up!

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It's cold. So cold. Why am I cold?

My eyes slowly fluttered opened, but quickly closed after a blinding light shone on them. I groaned as my arms supported me, so I could sit up. I looked around for my surroundings and saw a green forest. The sunlight shined through the leaves, which chimed when the wind blew past them. I was sitting on a rock, which was like a pedestal meant just for me to lay on. the flowers around me were grown so much that their roots wrapped around my lower half of the body, so you couldn't even see it properly anymore.

I broke out of their hold and put my bare feet on the green grass. Tickly. I tried to walk but my muscles were so out of their element, that I fell a few times before I walked all wobbly from tree to tree for support.

This island was complicated, it was like a maze, a maze that if you go in you can't get out. At that moment I was happy that I could use the memory of the water to guide me through it.

I walked for good three hours, because of all the breaks I needed to take but I finally came to the shore. The water was crystal clean teal colour and it was calling me to step in it once more. The water glowed as I submerged into the cold calming sea.

I smiled as I looked around, this, this is the greatest feeling I have ever had. But for some reason, I couldn't turn into my water form. I frowned and went up for air. I looked at my hands but as I looked down I saw a scar where my heart was. I quickly put my hand on it, thank god it was beating. As much as I was relieved I still didn't know why this was happening. Maybe as I gave Te Fiti my heart, my powers sealed up. So I just need to reactivate them? That's not hard!

This is hard! What can I do to reactivate them, I tried everything I could think of. After a few weeks, I gave up and started building myself a boat so I could see what happened to the islands during my absence.

I put my hair into a bun with some roots and started to search the island for good material to make rope. Everything was complicated as I didn't have any tools or material beforehand, so I needed two full months to finish my non-sinking boat.

And after three full months, I finally said goodbye to the island and sailed away searching for answers.

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