Years Passing By

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Maui and I spent more than ten years together. We teased each other, flirted and shared a few kisses here or there but never was it something more. We never went further than that. I always got my hopes up but Maui never did anything so my mind just dismissed a serious relationship between us over the years.

Finally, the time has come for me to travel towards Motunui and help Moana travel towards Maui. It was her fate. I just hope fate doesn't take Maui from me.


The morning I would be going towards Motunui I woke up from rays of light shining from the ceiling of the cave. Every morning when I woke up I saw the statue of Maui which quite progressed over the years. It annoyed me every morning, but this morning was a little different.

When I turned around so that I couldn't see any more of that statue I was face to face with the alive just sleeping version of it.

Maui never did that. Never slept beside me, never hugged me. I guess today is different. An exception. I sighed and looked at his features. His eyes closed with dark lashes, his full and arched eyebrows and his full plump lips. His curly dark hair framed his face and a few strands went over his face.

My hand reflexively went towards his face to fix the problem and when the problem was fixed with his hair behind his ears my hand lingered there. I quickly looked if he is still asleep but his open eyes startled me and I almost fell if his hand didn't go around my waist and pulled me back to him.

Our faces were inches apart and our eyes connected. I looked at his lips for just a millisecond but Maui saw it and took the lead and got closer until our lips met.

It was electric. Something new. Our bodies entangled on the bed made of leaves. My dress ruined and half off my body.

My hands went up and down Maui's chest feeling the soft skin underneath my fingertips. When I tugged lightly on his hair he moaned and kissed me on the lips. While I was occupied with that Maui feverishly kissed me from the lips down to my neck and made hickeys.

Our clothes were gone and just our bodies mingled together in euphoria. My white hair sprayed all around my head making white waves over and under the leaves. My chest went quickly up and down while Maui was on top of me. Sweat beads formed on our temples while we moved in unison.

When we finished I was so sleepy my eyes almost closed completely. Maui was still on top of me his head buried in my neck. My hand went over his hair just playing with his curls feeling the soft texture.

When he supported his body weight with his arms and we both looked at each other again. I just gave him a tired smile.

"Beautiful," I heard him say as he pecked my lips and laid beside me his arm draped over my body.

I turned on my side towards him, put my palm on his cheek kissed him again and before my emotions could calm down I said: "I love you.".

My Love (Mauixdemigodess)Where stories live. Discover now