Something Changed

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I moved. First my hands and what was under them was not my warm mattress but sand.
I groaned as I turned on my back and felt every muscle in my body ache.
I opened my eyes to the sun shining brighter than I have ever seen.
I squinted so I could see better.
It was beautiful. The trees were so green and I could see coconuts on every palm tree. The grass looked so soft and was adorned with flowers of every colour. And the sea was shimmering like diamonds with the sun shining on it.
This looked like paradise.
After I took everything in I looked at myself. My hair felt like it was a mess and my bikini was gone. I was covered in sand so I went into the ocean to rinse myself of it.
After that my brain finally started to function properly and I started to panic. I was naked on a beach and there was not a single soul in sight.
I quickly went from the ocean and into the tree line to cover myself if someone was to come to the beach.
I grabbed a big leaf and tried to cover myself as much as possible.
And so I went deeper into the island.
My skin was salty after the sea bath and I was itchy all over. I was craving for my strawberry shampoo at home and my warm, comfy clothes.
Every step I took, I took carefully because you never know what's beneath you. Maybe a poisonous snake or spider. It was a beautiful island but that doesn't mean there wasn't any danger around.
After a few hours I gave up. It looks like there is not a single soul on this island. Just how did I get here? I remember how I fell down from the ship, but still there should be boats around searching for the missing people.
I stumbled on a root and fell down. All muddy and without hope I sat down and started to cry. There was no one just me. I didn't even know where I was.
I was ready to give up for the day but it was getting windy and I was getting cold so I looked for shelter. A cave maybe.
I walked around and I found an opening. In the middle there was a lake with a big waterfall. Around the lake were white flowers which looked like they were glowing beacuse of the glow of the moon. The stars were bright and the sky was full of them and the lake reflected that beauty. It was like out of a fairytale.
I forgot everything. I let go of the leaf not scared if someone saw, beacuse there was no one on this island. My feet made no sound when they touched the soft grass. It was so different than the muddy rocky ground in the jungle.
I put my feet in the water and sighed feeling the coolness of it on my skin. I went all in and started to enjoy the natural bath.
With my head underwater I started to feel something. A burning sensation on my skin. I quickly went out of the water and after looking at my skin you could see that it changed colour. I looked more and saw I have a tattoo on my upper arm. It was a mini version of myself being under the sea with light shining on me.
"What the hell?" I said as I moved towards the lake to see my reflection.
I was totally changed.
My skin turned from tan to porcelain while my eyes turned to crystal blue. My hair was a big surprise as it turned snow white.
That night I really freaked out.

My Love (Mauixdemigodess)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz