Unanswered Qestions

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As the deal was made Maui began to sail towards Tamatoa. Moana was amazed by his sailing skills and as he was tying a rope she came closer with excitement and said: "teach me how to sail!"

Maui looked at her, scoffed and turned around.

Moana didn't want to give up so easily. She went away from him as she started saying: "my job is to deliver Maui across the great ocean. I should...!" Moana almost tripped and continued: "I should be sailing" and pointed at Maui.

"Its called wayfinding, princess. And it's not just sails and knots. It is seeing where you're going in your mind. Knowing where you are, by knowing where you've been" as he turned on the sail of the boat towards the sunset.

"Okay, first, I'm not a princess. I'm the daughter of the chief," she tried defending herself.

"Same difference," Maui said as he jumped down from the top of the sail.

"No," she crossed her arms and stepped in front of Maui, but for him, it was no big deal as he picked her up and moved her in the small hole of the boat for their food supply.

"If you wear a dress, and you have an animal sidekick...you are a princess. You are not a Wayfinder. You will never be a Wayfinder, you will never be a...! he tensed up and then sluggishly fell forward. Behind him was Leilani. She was in a good mood as she picked up a red blow dart from the Kakomora and stuck it in his left butt cheek.

Maui was unamused: "Really? Blow dart in my butt cheek?"

Leilani picked up the oar and gave it to Moana and gave her a high-five to the best of her abilities.

Moana moved Maui to the side and went towards the end of the boat. "You're a bad person" stated Maui. She didn't listen to his words: "If you can talk, you can teach, Wayfinding. Lesson one. Hit it."

Maui still in a bad mood groaned: "Pull the sheet....not the sheet.....no.....nope....nope....no.....tried that one already." Let's just say the boat went in a few wrong directions throughout the day.

As the day turned into night and the stars were shining bright, Moana tried to find her way with the stars." You're measuring the stars, not giving the sky a high-five" the still paralyzed Maui said to her.

A little while later. "If the currents warm, you're going the right way," Maui said. Moana looked at him and then at the water. She stuck her hand in the ocean. "It's cold. Wait, it's getting warmer.....ughhh that is disgusting! What is wrong with you?!" she screamed as she figured out Maui peed.


After a while, when the paralyzing effect wore off, Maui stood up and saw Moana sleeping soundly with the oar in her arms. He smiled and then gently picked up not to wake her up and moved her up the boat so he could sail without disruption.

He sat down and put the oar back in the water and turned the boat in the right direction and looked at the stars.

After a few minutes, he broke the silence: "I know you're here. Just come out of there." He turned his head on his right to see the water rising and creating a figure standing on the surface of the ocean. Her tattoos and hair glowing dimly in the night. She came towards the boat, stepped on and turned towards him, arms crossed.

"So...care to explain?" Maui asked. She just looked at him confused. He sighed and continued: "care to explain how did you even know Moana in the first place? Or maybe why are you trying to help her return the heart?"

Leilani looked down. She can't tell him. At least not now. So to change the subject she asked the question she has been dying to know but also afraid to ask: "Why...why did you leave that day? Why couldn't you just stay with me until I went towards Moutunui?"

Both looked at each other and the unanswered questions lingered in the air. As time passed Leilani sighed and turned around. "When you're ready I'm gonna be here to listen. Just remember that. Please Maui. Give me a chance, don't shut me out. Give us a chance."

She stepped off the boat on the ocean's surface. As her body glowed in the moonlight and started to change back into her water form, she turned around and looked Maui in the eyes. When only ripples on the water's surface from her remained, the words she said lingered in the air.

My feelings won't change. Can you just consider us? Or can't your heart take it?

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