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Chapter 7

'Unforgivable curses'

Weeks passed. He was ignoring me again. Why can't he just understand I can help him.

Every time I tried talking to him, he walked away.

Avoiding me every time.

Draco's POV;


She was the only thing on my mind. I was under a lot of stress and I didn't get any sleep. Every time I get some kind of panic attack, I think of her.

It calms me down, she calms me down.

I still can't open up to her, I just can't. She'll be disgusted with me when she finds out what I am.

A death eater.

I'm messed up, and I know I will hurt her. She doesn't deserve that. The best thing to do is to avoid her, and I've been doing that for a while now. Every day it gets harder to stay away from her.

She will be in danger if she gets too close to me, and I can't put her through that.

How long can I keep this up?

Amelia's POV

I woke up from the sun hitting my face through the tiny open space of the curtains. I got up and noticed Pansy had already left, this gave me the opportunity to take a look at my wings again.

I haven't done it for a while since I never really got the chance, people were around me all the time.

I stood in front of the mirror, imagining my wings while my eyes were closed. I opened them after a few seconds. The big, white angelic wings were visible again. My eyes immediately shot to a small part of my right wing, a few feathers were missing, how could this be?

It wasn't much but it was obvious that a few were missing.

In the spot where they used to be, it was pitch black.

What was happening to me?

I closed my eyes to catch my breath again. They were hidden after I opened them.

I noticed I was running late so I started to get dressed.

I put on my Slytherin skirt and tie, but I was having trouble to tie it. I just left it hanging around my neck since I didn't have any time left anymore. A few buttons of my blouse were left open.

Why am I always late?

I basically ran to my class, Defence against the dark arts. I opened the door, and just what I thought, everyone was staring at me.

I heard a boy from Ravenclaw say something loud enough that the whole class could hear.

''Rough night, Bright?'' he said bursting out of laughter with everyone else, except one person. Draco.

He turned around to the dark-haired boy that was sitting behind him.

''The fuck did you just say?''

The boy got scared right away, trying to take his words back.

Draco cut him off again.

''And what the fuck were you all bloody laughing about? Pay attention to your own miserable fucking lives'' he said, looking at the whole class and then back to the front of the class.

He didn't look at me once.

''Alright that's enough Mr Malfoy'' Lupin said. ''Miss Bright, please take a seat'' he added.

The only available seat was next to Draco, he was not going to like this, but I didn't have a choice right now.

I put my books on my part of the desk and sat down, he still just looked straight forward.

I was thinking about saying something, but Lupin cut me off.

''So, who can tell how many unforgivable curses there are?'' he asked.

''Miss Bright, since you're late, I'm sure you can answer this one'' he added.

''There are three sir'' I said as I was looking down at my wand.

'' Correct! And what are the names of these curses?'' he asked again.

''The Cruciatus Curse, the Imperius Curse and the Killing curse'' I answered.

I knew the last one all too well.

It was used on me.

''And what happens if any one us use these curses?'' Lupin asked.

''One-way ticket to bloody Azkaban!'' Blaise said, causing the whole class to laugh.

Draco was still looking forward without any expression on his face whatsoever.

''That's all for today'' Lupin said after a while.

I walked out of the class. After reaching the corner of a wall, someone grabbed me and pulled me behind it.

''You should tie your tie'' Draco said.

''Oh, so you can talk. I forgot because you've been ignoring me for weeks. I said as I crossed my arms.

''Fine, I'll do it myself'' he said while pushing my arms out of the way and buttoning up my shirt, since a few of them were unbuttoned.

''What are you doing?'' I looked down at my blouse with his hands on it.

''Stay bloody still, stupid fucking buttons'' he mumbled under his breath.

''Why do you care about my buttons and tie?'' I asked with a confused look on my face.

''Didn't you see what that filthy piece of shit said back in class? People are assuming stupid things'' he said as he finally got the buttons closed.

''About that, thank you for defending me'' I said softly.

His eyes were still down on my tie, trying to fix it. While mine were burning on his.

After it was finally sitting correctly on my neck, he looked back up again.

''Whatever, the bloody boy pissed me off' he said.

Before I could thank him for fixing my tie and buttons, he was gone.

Why does he keep doing this?

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