Twenty Four

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Chapter 24

'The escape'

Warning; this chapter contains mature scenes!!

'Pansy Parkinson, do you take Draco Lucius Malfoy to be your husband, to love him, to honour him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and health, for as long as you both shall live?'

'I do.'

My eyes sprung wide open, staring at the ceiling. My body was covered in sweat.

My chest was going up and down because of my dream, it wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare.

But it's reality too, it will happen next week.

My nightmare is truly happening.

A few weeks had passed, I wanted to see him, I wanted it so bad. I knew he didn't want to marry her; I knew he is being forced.

Like he has been forced to do everything he doesn't want his whole life.

But why didn't I have the nerve to find him? To hold him in my arms again, to touch his lips with mine.

Maybe because that would hurt him even more, because I won't be here forever, I'm going to be gone.

I will leave this earth again, like our story never happened.

Every touch, every kiss, every fight, everything will disappear.

Maybe we were meant to meet, but not meant to be.

These last few weeks have been awful. I keep having the same dream every night, the same nightmare playing in my head over and over again, it didn't matter if I was asleep or awake.

I didn't eat much, I didn't shower every day, I just didn't care anymore.

I had lost a lot of weight and my skin was paler.

Every second of the day that I wasn't with him, I thought of him, and I couldn't stop even if I wanted it to stop.

I want to remember him, I really do. But if I let myself remember, I also let myself think about the fact that he's going to marry someone else.

I try to blur my thoughts with my tears which fell over my pale cheeks every day and night.

I was destroyed, I was completely destroyed. That didn't stop me from trying to find the last horcrux, it was actually the only thing I did to keep my mind off the wedding.

The library, that's where I was for the whole day for weeks. Studying every book in the restricted section and looking deep into my mind, trying to find a memory of Tom that showed me what the possible last horcrux could be.

I was even more determined to find it now, I didn't want to be here anymore.

It hurts too much.

In my human lifetime, my mother always described love to me, and I read a lot of novels of course. Everyone always made it seem like it's a beautiful thing, that it helps people and gives them more life.

Why was it killing me then?

Why was it killing me to love someone so bad?

I turned to lay on my side when I found Louis sleeping in Pansy's bed.

This is what he did most of the time, he just randomly showed up in my dorm and slept in her bed.

I didn't mind, I knew how it felt.

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