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Chapter 1


I was put on this earth for one thing, and one thing only. My task was to save Draco Lucius Malfoy from the evil that was surrounding him. I will make him a good person again, and I will change his perspective on life.

But most importantly;

I will be his light against the darkness in his soul.

I am an Angel.

My name was once Amelia Maria Bright. That was another lifetime, a long time ago. In that lifetime, I was a witch.

I was a 17-year-old girl. I attended Hogwarts and I remember getting good grades and always sneaking out to the library at night to read every book that was sitting on the old shelves. Reading was my escape to a different reality.

But I died

I died at age 17 and I stayed that age after a became an angel, how you may ask? That is a story for another time.

I was never completely gone, like I never left. All I know now, is that my task is to safe Draco Lucius Malfoy from the darkness that was surrounding him and change the way he sees life.

Change him.

I am an angel and that has its good sides and bad sides.

The good side was, I had wings. Large white angelic wings. I could hide them; they would only appear when I wanted them to appear.

Being dead also means that you have no emotions anymore, I could not feel a thing. No sadness, no happiness nor did I feel love.

I don't remember what feeling anything feels like, but I just knew that I wanted to feel. So bad. There were some moments where I felt the tiny bit of happiness, but that faded really quickly. Like something was blocking my emotions to feel anything.

It was time, time to attend Hogwarts again. After all these years, I got the chance again to see the beautiful castle again.

I got to be a student at Hogwarts again for my 6th year, the year that I died in. There I was, standing in front of the beautiful big doors of the school.

I reached my hand out slowly to open the doors, and when I did, all the memories came flashing back before my eyes. The good ones and the bad ones. The familiar smell and big paintings on the wall did something to me.

I made sure one last time that my wings were hidden before walking to the big doors of the great hall. I already could smell the delicious food coming from behind those doors.

I walked in, my big brown eyes focused on the great hall, the big walls and the four tables for the four houses. I bit my lip before walking to the front.

A man who I haven't seen in a very long time, he was there. Professor Albus Dumbledore. Of course he didn't remember me, he couldn't.

Humans can't remember angels, it's impossible.

His eyes shot at me when I walked to his table. ''You must be our new student for year 6, is that correct?'' he said with a smile. I still couldn't believe this, talking to someone who you used to know but can't remember you anymore.

''Yes professor, that is correct'' I said. An old but kind looking lady came up to me, standing next to dumbledore. ''Wonderful, let's start the sorting ceremony'' she said with an excited voice. I didn't know her yet, maybe she started teaching at Hogwarts after I died.

The sorting hat ceremony may be exciting for some people, but this wasn't my first time doing this of course. I already knew which house I was going to get sorted in to.

In my lifetime, I got sorted in to Slytherin.

The sorting hat started talking and it went as expected, I got sorted in to Slytherin again. Once a Slytherin, always a Slytherin.

I remember a lot of people from my house not liking me, because I was in Slytherin while I was muggle born. I was never a pureblood or anything like that, but that didn't matter to me. I didn't see a difference between the two.

I walked to the dungeons; I remember that the Slytherin common room was there. More and more memories started coming back to me as I walked those halls.

As I was walking and was almost at the door, I heard a piano playing. A beautiful song beautifully played. I reached the front of the door with snakes all over it, but I didn't open it just yet. I just stood there for a minute, listening to the notes.

I figured it was time to go in, I opened the door very carefully so that I don't make too much noise.

And there he was, the person playing was Draco Lucius Malfoy. He looked so peaceful, like he was an angel like me. From the information I got is that he was horrible and treated people badly. He was disgusted with people who are muggle born and thinks highly of himself.

But what I saw sitting there playing that beautiful song, it didn't look like that kind of person at all.

There was no one else in that common room, just us.

I tried walking a bit closer, his back was facing me, so he didn't see me at first. But then, the music stopped.

He turned his head at me, his platinum blonde hairs fell over his eyes as he stared me down.

''Were you just fucking listening without my permission?'' he said with a cold look on his face. It was like the angelic person I saw a minute ago, was gone.

That was the first time I saw his eyes, his grey eyes. I had a straight face, but I got lost in them, it was like I couldn't look away.


My lips parted when he gave me an even colder look. ''What are you looking at, new girl?'' he said while standing up and walking over at me.

''The song you were playing, did you write that yourself?'' I asked while looking up because he was taller than me. ''Why would you care'' he said with furrowed eyebrows. ''It's not done'' he added while looking at the ground. ''It sounded really beautiful, what's it called?'' I asked. His eyes met mine again. ''That's none of your fucking business'' he said while walking past me hitting my shoulder, causing me to step back.

He was gone.

I stared at the direction he went for a minute, I heard voices coming from behind the door. The big doors suddenly opened again, A girl with straight dark hair and eyes walked in with a boy. Both wearing Slytherin robes.

Their conversation got cut off after they saw me. ''Another mud blood, that's disgusting'' the girl said while giving me a judgemental look, looking me up and down. ''That's enough Parkinson be nice for once'' the boy said while tapping on her shoulder. ''Blaise Zabini'' he said while reaching his hand out. As I introduced myself i shook his hand.

''I see you've already met Draco since we saw him storming off from the common room'' he said while letting out a chuckle and point at the door. ''Is he always like that?'' I said as I was putting my bags down. ''It's nothing personal, he just doesn't let people in'' Blaise said.

I already noticed that with the way he acted before, he didn't want me to hear the song he was playing because he thought it wasn't good enough.

He thought that he wasn't good enough.

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