Twenty Five

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Chapter 25

'Just like old times'

I opened my eyes to see myself and the others standing in Deans forest. It was snowing and freezing.

My hair and eyelashes were already covered in the white snowflakes

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My hair and eyelashes were already covered in the white snowflakes.

My heart was still pounding out of my chest because of what happened before we used apparition.

The woman, it looked like she really remembered me, but how could she? Narcissa casted the Obliviate charm on her.

Didn't she?

My body was shaking since I was just in Pansy's too short expensive dress. I turned my head to see Draco standing close to me with his concerned face.

'Here, put this on.' Draco pulled his black blazer off and threw it over my shoulders carefully, helping me to put it on.

I mouthed a silent 'thank you' with a smile.

'Rivera, where is this bloody cabin you were talking about?' Blaise asked while brushing snow off his shoulders.

'It's freezing!' Pansy stated the obvious.

'Everyone, close your eyes.' Louis demanded.

We all surprisingly did what he asked, I guess we just wanted to get out of the cold as soon as possible.

'You have to believe it's here, otherwise it won't work.' He added.

'This is bloody ridiculous.' Draco scoffed while his eyes were still closed.

'Just do it, albino.' Louis mumbled that last part.

'The fuck did you say?' Draco fired back.

'Everyone shut up and do what this guy says.' Blaise yelled annoyed.

'We're not done here.' Draco added lastly.

I tried to do what Louis asked, I really imagined the cabin being there in front of me. It was easier than I expected, the mind is really capable of a lot of things.

My brown eyes opened again after a few seconds to see that it actually worked. A small wooden cabin appeared in front of my eyes, covered in snow.

The snatchers definitely won't find us here.

'Well would you look at that, Rivera wasn't lying.' Blaise said amazed as he was analysing the cabin.

'Brilliant.' Pansy said as she quickly stepped inside, with everyone following her after.

I was the last one to get in with Draco, before we reached the inside, I heard Pansy scream.

'Merlin, I thought you were a bloody snatcher!' she raised her voice.

𝐇𝐢𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥; 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲Where stories live. Discover now