33 | Escape

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RAIN AND Athanasia didn't dare look back, their lives were at risk right now and she doubted they'd make it out especially with all the guards surrounding this place.

They both froze in their spot at the sight of three hunters laughing and chatting like they didn't just lock them up in cells to rot.

"I've got this." Athanasia said.

Rain was about to protest but she was gone in seconds, Rain looked in front of her to see the three hunters lifeless, slit by the throat, she looked away as Athanasia began biting into their necks, sucking the life out of them at a rapid pace, once she was done she licked her blood red lips and smiled.

She looked at Athanasia in amazement.

"Let's go now, the coast is clear so far." Rain spoke.

They both headed deeper into the forest away from the chaos they had left behind, she noticed the way Athanasia looked at her surroundings in amazement, it must have been a while for her, the last time she had probably seen the outside world again was when she was chained and brought up, that was when she met Rain but she was too angry to even take notice or be in awe especially in her situation.

Now she felt free, freedom had never felt so amazing.

But she- they weren't safe yet.

A growl rippled out through the forest which has both Rain and Athanasia freeze, it wasn't a normal growl but the kind that had your legs weak and your heart racing in fear.

But when Rain saw the large wolf approach them she let out a sigh of relief, immediately sprinting towards the wolf and gripping onto him as she hugged him tightly. The fur transformed into skin and she looked up smiling into Keith's silver orbs.

He wasn't so happy.

"What the fuck happened? And why the fuck do you have a bruise on your face?" He demanded while stroking the bruise that Nathaniel created.

"Long story."

"You've grown into a warrior." Athanasia said, interrupting their moment.

Keith turned his head towards her and the minute he saw her his eyes softened, his eyebrows were furrowed in confusion as he took in her features.

"Athanasia? But how?"

"So many questions yet not enough time." She muttered. "We must get out of here first, then I shall tell you,"

Keith clenched his jaw.

"Who the fuck did this to you both?"

"That would be me."

They all turned around to meet the sick smile of Daren's face, behind him were five rouges and three hunters, each carrying wolfsbane and silver. Keith's eyes turned a shade darker at the sight of him.

"You touched my mate." He snarled.

"You don't deserve her." He spat.

Keith just raised an amused eyebrow at that.

"No one does."

Upon hearing his words Rain's heart skipped a beat but she knew Keith was right for her and she would choose him no matter what.

"Come to me Rain and we could avoid all this." Daren spoke out, ignoring what Keith had said.

Rain simply looked at him and raised her middle finger.

"I hope you rot."

She didn't know why Daren even wanted her in the first place, surely there must be a reason but either way she didn't plan on finding out or even associate herself with him.

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