03 | Run

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RAIN'S EYES snapped open, the first thing that came to her sight was the night sky. Stars light the sky like snowflakes scattered around the dark canvas, yet appear still like a picture frame. Rain smiled, it was a promise of life in the darkness, a sense of warmth springing from the coldness. She always liked the night sky. It was such a welcoming sight, appearing like magic and disappearing, promising to appear again.

She peeked at Keith from under her lashes and admired him, the light of the moon reflecting onto his face giving her the perfect view. She blushed a little as she thought about their previous activity. They did it again, not once- but three times.

She glanced at Keith, his hair was messy but not in a bad way, in the sexy bed hair way. He had long eyelashes that framed his chiselled face. She gazed at his lips and wondered what it would be like to kiss him. Although they had slept together, he didn't have the intention of kissing her which led her to wonder what it would be like.

Will he be rough or soft?

Rain groaned as she realised what she thought, of course he would be rough, it's him.

Her heat was finally over and she was glad she took the decision to mate with a male, she looked at Keith's arm which was tight across her waist. When she tried moving from him he would only tighten it.

"Keith..." She whispered as she slowly nudged on his arm. He groaned in annoyance, burying his head in Rain's chest and Rain let out a low, warning growl.

"What the fuck do you want?" He muttered, placing a soft kiss on her chest.

"For you to let me go,"

"Never." He replied.

What are you doing? Stay with him!

Rain shut out her wolf, now was not the time. She needed to get away from this male and fast. She nibbled on his earlobe and he smirked, giving her nipple a pinch.

"Let me go..."


She was frustrated and wanted to bash the males face in, but she needed to think of a better plan and a more believable one for her to be set free.

"Keith." She spoke, Keith growled in hunger when she spoke his name. "I need to pee, I promise I will," not "return to you." Keith was silent and she thought she had failed but when he loosened his grip on her she smirked in satisfaction.

"Aright, but if I see you gone then trust me mate you'll regret it." He looked into her eyes, meaning every word. There was a dark glint in his eyes and Rain knew it was something she wouldn't like.

Too bad, you'll have to find me first.

Rain thought, she quickly got up putting on Keith's shirt that he lent her. She made her way deeper into the woods and when she was far from sight she shifted into her wolf and ran. She wouldn't make it in human form especially with the pain between her legs.

What are you doing? He's our mate!

Rain reminded her wolf, mate or not, they are all the same. Her wolf wasn't pleased.

Rain pushed herself to run faster, she made her wolf cover up her scent so it was hard for Keith to find her.

Rain shivered when she heard a loud growl echoing throughout the forest. Keith had obviously noticed her disappearance and she pushed herself more knowing that Keith was already looking for her. She didn't once look back.

Rain growled when she felt a force throughout her mind, she was confused at first but came to a realisation that someone was trying to communicate with her. She wasn't in ties with anyone to be communicating with them. And then it hit her...

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