07 | Den

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RAIN SHIFTED into her wolf form in excitement, the adrenaline pumping through her veins giving her that satisfying feeling. It has been a while since she took her wolf out on a long run, it made it more exciting at the thought of someone joining her. Nevaeh also wanted to go on a run and so they both ventured off a little far from the cave.

Rain watched as Nevaeh shifted into her dark brown fur, once she was on all fours, Rain tilted her head at Neveah, signalling if she was ready or not. They had decided to have a race just for the fun of it and because their wolves needed it.

Nevaeh gave her a wolfish grin and then they ran, Rain missed this. She missed the feeling of the cool wind, blowing on her fur and giving her a sense of warmth. Rains wolf yipped in excitement. When she did go off on runs, it distracted her from a lot of things, it took her mind off things. Nothing mattered in this moment but her and her wolf, it was like she was running from her problems- the irony. Except, her mate is not a problem.

She didn't have to look back though, she could run for days and wouldn't be tired. Running was fun only when it was for a good cause. Her wolf whimpered at the thought of them running from their mate.

Rain was close to reaching the finish line- a large tree where they decided the race ended, she pushed herself harder as she saw Nevaeh coming closer. She was close and had reached there first. Rain was about to jump about in joy when Nevaeh came crashing into her, they both hit the tree hard.

Nevaeh whined at the loss but nonetheless they both wagged their tails in excitement, Rain bit into Nevaeh's fur but not too hard, hard enough for her to get off Rain.

Throughout the day they have both been playing in their wolf forms, hunting together, eating together, playing together. From time to time they would have a few races, sometimes they would fight and bite at each other, and the rest of the day they would just watch the stars above in the night sky, they would watch in fascination at the lit up full moon. The moon glowed dimly, a cream disc suspended in the clear, night sky.

They watched as the moonlight trickled from the bleeding sky, illuminating everything it touched. It cast a silver organza veil over them. Shimmering, dancing. It was like the moon was calling out to them, something they couldn't resist and so Rain stood up from her position, she looked towards the moon while howling. Thanking the moon- Nevaeh followed after her. Their howls echoed throughout the night sky. Soon after them she could hear distant howling.

What once was a silent night, turned into a night full of howls. 


"We seriously need to find a new den..." Nevaeh said, scrunching her nose up in disgust.

The cave was getting damp, not bringing in a pleasant smell and the old bear skin didn't help. Especially with their high sense of smell Rain couldn't help but feel like puking. It was time they left the den and ventured forwards to find a new one- and a new bear skin at that. With both her and Nevaeh, they could hunt for a bigger bear.

"Agreed, we should start moving now. It's bright and sunny. More chance of looking for a good den. What do you think?" Nevaeh nodded in response, they decided on leaving most of their clothes here, they would carry a top and bottom with them for when they shift back to their human forms. Other than that, they can take clothes off from the next couple of hunters they see.

Rain hesitated, she wanted to ask Nevaeh something desperately but she didn't know if she would like the answer or not, Nevaeh noticed and looked at her.



"Cut the crap, I know you want to tell me something so spill," Nevaeh said, Rain closed her eyes and sighed.

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