27 | Attack

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RAIN STAYED in her room for three whole days, not because she wanted to but because she didn't have a choice.

Her stupid mate had been out of control, he managed to get passed all the guards which were 'protecting' her from him, the minute Rain saw him her breath hitched.

He was completely out of control, but then again so was she and so she didn't stop him, she didn't stop him when he threw her onto the bed, or when he kissed her or when he ripped her clothes.

But Nevaeh and Antonio did.

Rain was then locked up in her room since that day, she didn't mind. She needed time to clear her head and that's exactly what she did, she knew what she had to do now. And since Keith's growls have stopped echoing throughout the household, Rain figured he had calmed down.

She peaked her head outside the door and let out a sigh of relief when there was no one there, she started making her way towards Keith's room. She knew nothing would happen since her heat is over and she has full control of herself.

With a soft knock she waited for him to answer.

The door creaked open and she looked at Keith who was rubbing his face with a tired look, the minute he saw her, he paused his actions and just looked at her with curiosity.

"Um, hello." She said while clearing her throat.

Keith reached out to her but she pulled away a little, he paused and she caught sight of the hurt that flickered in his grey orbs.

"I'm not here for you, I had time on my own to think things over." 

Keith avoided her eyes, deep in thought. Slowly, he nodded his head. He moved out the way and watched as Rain walked into his room, his eyes following her every movement.

"First, I'm not going to bother with us because I don't think there is an us anymore. So now that, that's cleared, lets focus on important things, like the humans, we need to know where they got that silver from, who knows when another-"

Keith didn't bother listening to the rest, the minute she spoke he watched her like a hawk.

"Why." He spoke.

Rain froze, she met his eyes with a raised eyebrow.

"Excuse me?"

"Why do you think there is no us,"

Rain clenched her fists, she wondered why he's asking her now. Is he finding amusement in this? The nerve of him, she thought.

"It's funny you know, the fact that I didn't want anything to do with you but then in the end I'm the one chasing after you, I tried so hard to understand you, I tried so hard for this mate bond thing to work but in the end I stopped, I stopped because you didn't try, if you can't trust me then this won't work, so in the end I gave up. I gave up on trying." She ranted.

Rain took in a deep breath and slumped against the wall while avoiding his eyes, she had said what she needed to say. The rest was up to him.

"I fucked up."

It wasn't a question, he knew what he did was wrong. Keith feared that he realised too late.

"No shit." She glared.

"Is it too late?" He whispered.

"I don't know, do you trust me?"

Keith didn't hesitate.


As much as those words had hurt her Rain liked that he was being honest with her, she frowned as her heart clenched upon hearing his words. 

"But I want you in my life."

The ache dulled a little at his words.

"Keith, how? How does this work without trust?"

Keith had thought about it.

"We start from the beginning, I need to know that I can trust you, I'm sorry Rain but it's not that easy,"

Rain was hurt, it felt like her mate was rejecting her but she also understood at the same time, the first time they had both met, Rain instantly didn't trust him, it took her a while to get used to and from the look of things Keith has enough on his plate.

"Okay." She muttered while nodding her head.

She agreed to take things slow, she agreed to try, again.

"But know that if you stuff this up again I won't be the one to run after you again."

"That won't happen." He assured, Rain relaxed a little, that's exactly what she needed to hear.

"Now, we need to do something about the silver, I know that you aren't exactly keen on the idea but-"

"You're right."

Rain looked at him in shock.


"Yeah, there was an attack..." Keith avoided her eyes, he was pissed at the fact that he couldn't get to his own pack in time but he managed to get rid of them, except they had injured a few of his own and he will forever remember.

It was his duty as Alpha to protect his packs, him and his wolf had felt like they had failed them. 

"What are you speaking about?"

"There was a recent attack here, I managed to get rid of them but not in time." He muttered.

"How recent?" 

Rain's heart was pounding rapidly in her rib cage. 

"Two days ago."

"W-why didn't anyone tell me? Are they okay? They have to be okay... they-"

Keith softly grabbed onto her while turning her to face him, he held her eyes with a look of pain.

"They will be fine, everyone survived, just a few injured." 

"H-how many?"


Rain relaxed a little at that, she was still pained at the fact that her pack was under attack without her knowing but she settled down when she found out that majority of them were fine.

"C-could I meet them?"


Rain nodded her head, it was time she took the role of Luna and stood up for her pack.


She's finally turning things around, hopefully things get better for these two..

She's finally turning things around, hopefully things get better for these two

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