Chapter 31 - Money In The Bank

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Everyone was feeling a lot better after Raw. Seth wasn't feeling sick anymore, Dean's ribs were a lot better as was Romans arm. It was Sunday. Money in the Bank. They all arrived at the arena, greeted by fans screaming their names. They got out the car and started grabbing their stuff. The boys waved towards the fans and they went crazy.

"Go over to them. I got the stuff."

"You sure babe?"

"Yeah, go on. They're all here to see you so go see them. I got all this."

"Ok, as long as I get a kiss." She pecked his lips and then grabbed everything and went inside. She set everything up for them and started playing on her phone. Soon after there was a knock at the door.

"Come in." She said as she placed her phone on her pocket. It was Stephanie McMahon.

"Hi Tamara. Are we ok to have a quick chat?"

"Of course. The guys are out with the fans."

"That's good of them. I'm here to talk to you about tonight. You don't have any interviews tonight, not because they aren't good enough. They are perfect. I would like you to be able to soak up the energy this time and then next time will be your time to shine. At Battleground, all interviews are yours."

"Re... Really?"

"Yes. We are so impressed with you. Enjoy this pay per view because next time, the pressure will be on."

"Thank you Stephanie. I won't let you down."

"I know. Like I said enjoy tonight." Just then, the door flew open.

"Hey bab-. Oops. We'll come back soon."

"It's ok Dean. We're done. See you all later. Good luck tonight boys." She left quickly.

"Everything ok pumpkin?"

"I'm not working tonight."

"Why not? You've been great?"

"Because I'm working Battleground. Every interview is mine. She wants me to soak up all the energy this time and then next time I've got everything."

"I'm so proud of you baby." Dean picked her up and twirled her around in a circle. He let her down gently and and moved in for very passionate kiss. It then began to get a little bit over passionate to do in front of others.

"Alright guys, save some for later."

"Well as long as you win, you might get a little treat." Tamara said to Dean.

"Guys, no details."


"You know."

"Perhaps I do."

"I see what he loves about you."

"What does he love about me Seth?"

"Your cheekiness."

"Well, you do have to be a little cheeky sometimes."

"True. Don't change that about you. It's so awesome."


"Yeah Dean?" Dean got up and stood close to Seth. He went very close to his face.

"Are you hitting on my girlfriend?"

"What? No, no, no! I didn't mean for it to come out like that. S-Sorry." Dean remained where he was with a stern look on his face. Seth was shitting himself. Deans face soon turned to a smile.

"You were shitting yourself."

"Fuck you Ambrose. You're such a bastard sometimes."

"But, I was having fun?"

"Have fun taking the piss out Roman instead."

"Why? It's more fun with you." Tamara just burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at Tam?"

"Nothing. A dirty thought crossed my."

"Really? Oh dear Tam."

"I know." She hid her face a little.

"I guess we should be careful with what we say around you and how we say it."

"I guess so."

"So um, who do you thinks gonna win the Money in the Bank briefcase?" Seth asked,  changing the subject.

"Who's in this year?" Solomon asked.

"The Usos, Titus O'Neil, Cesaro, Damien Sandown, Miz, Swagger and Goldust."

"Cesaro." Solomon said.

"Jimmy or Jey. Family will win. Seth?" Roman asked the latter.

"Swagger. Dean?"

"Miz. Baby?"

"Cesaro. Let's see who wins."

It was a long match but Cesaro managed to grab the briefcase.

"Told you Cesaro would win."

"Alright show off." She stood up in front of Dean and did the 'Ziggle Wiggle'. Well, Dean being Dean slapped her bottom.

"Who gave you permission to do that?"

"I don't need permission."

"Next time I'll kick your ass."

"C'mon then." He stood up aswell and bent over in front of her. She did what she said she would do. Dean ended up on the floor.

"Ouch!" Seth and Roman burst out laughing.

"Dude, you just got taken down by a girl."

"Shut it Reigns."


"I will kill you."

"Sorry to interrupt guys but your up next." A crewman popped his head around the door.

"Right, let's do this. BELIEVE IN THE SHIELD!" Roman shouted.

"Good luck kiss?"

"Ask and you shall receive.Good luck boys." They left.

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. Shield. Out they came to fave their toughest opponents yet. Evolution. They soon joined.

Dean started the match against Batista. The Shield made quick tags in and out. Batista managed to slip their grasp by hitting Seth with a spinebuster in mid air. From there Seth was isolated from his Shield brethren for at least five minutes. To some that's a short amount of time but when your in a wrestling ring, it feels like forever. Orton had him in the corner and ran at him. Seth grabbed him before he could execute a move and slammed his head into the second turnbuckle.

Seth got to the his corner and tagged in the juggernaut of the Shield. Reigns was clearing house. He was unstoppable. Batista jumped him but Solomon came to his rescue. Roman tagged Solomon in as he and Dean took down Batista, Hunter and Kane.

Solomon hit his finisher and won the match for his team. For the third pay per view in a row, The Shield stood tall over Evolution.

Tamara rushed to the gorilla to meet her winners. As soon as Dean came through the curtain, she jumped on his back and kissed his cheek.

"So proud of you baby."

"But... What about us?" Seth asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Meh, a little bit I guess." She replied with a smile.

"I'm offended Tam. I took all the beatings."

"You'll get over it one day." Everyone laughed.

"Cheeky much. I tell you Dean, you have a right cheeky one there."

"I know and I wouldn't change her for the world."

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